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~* Valentino *~

IMG_4634 It happened to me again... Life got on the way of blogging. There are so many fun, sweet, touching, hilarious photos and moments I'd like to share with you, starting with everything that happened during the London Fashion Week... But there has been so much going on that I find it hard to keep up with my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...  That's just the say I love it. So, this gorgeous red veil leads to the entrance of the Valentino exhibition at Somerset House, the heart of the Fashion Week. IMG_4637* IMG_4629* IMG_4632 Today's actually the last chance to catch this exhibition! How fitting. So, anybody in London... A little tip for the day... Go see this one, and bring a good book to entertain you in the queue :). ~*♥*~

~* Designers, Godmothers & Business Angels *~

February is hugely busy month for a blogger... There are photoshoots, fashion shows, discussions with magazines, fittings with designers, advertising and media agencies... A launch of something mindblowingly beautiful, yet very hush-hush, in the cards... And of course, the main event of the season; the London Fashion Week. But don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm loving every second of it. IMG_3730Yesterday, it was brainstorming at Godmother advertising with Godmother extraordinaire, Annika Di-Chiara, and the lady with magic on her fingertips; designer and artist Oona Elena Kassila. IMG_3816x* IMG_3780We got even Lele thingking... IMG_3784_1The creative process absolutely requires cupcakes. IMG_3802* IMG_3778With a happy full tummy, the ideas just swing & fly... IMG_3818 Barcelona Ateljé! Workshops! Goddess Dresses! The magic of Oona and Mo. IMG_3706The question of the day was: "What is your dream?" Once that's crystal clear, the rest will come. Sometimes through nights of no sleep, tears, self-doubt, even moments of despair. But it will come. [caption id="attachment_12127" align="aligncenter" width="316"]IMG_3858 And these boots... They're made for walking.[/caption] Ready. Steady. And then Darling; Go. Fly High ♥. ~*♥*~

~* a Kristina Viirpalu photoshoot *~

IMG_0955This is my very first Kristina Viirpalu dress, an absolute favorite. Perfect for any occasion; work, cafés, movies, heart-to-heart teabreak with a  friend... Hand woven of thick high-quality cotton, It's so soft and comfortable that I even wear it on airplanes. As all of Kristina's dresses, this too is a unique piece. IMG_0964x* IMG_0929I love this bow... Detachable, it can be worn with other dresses - and turn them into statement pieces as well. IMG_0943The wonderfully talented Pipsa Lagus organized this photoshoot next to Kaivohuone on one particularly windy and drizzly day... We had a car running right next to us with the heating on at full force... Salvation. The meter maids happened to be making their rounds around the parking lot... In fact, I think they made several slow rounds, wondering how to react to what we were doing... And even a police car happened to drop by at the empty parking and made a little tour around us... But they all just gave us puzzled looks and let us go on about our business. Pipsa has that effect on people... Me, I just tend to get in trouble...

IMG_0995xChecking the results of the day.... At the point when I started turning blue in the face, we shifted to photographing the Black Rose Wool Coat on top of this dress - not only beautiful but a highly convenient solution.

IMG_0976 * IMG_1004 Happy happy :). When I see this photo I still feel it in my bones how wonderfully warm it was, that moment. ~*♥*~

~* Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle *~

The magically talented Oona Kassila will design a dress for me... A custom order piece, to make me feel like a faery princess at the London Fashion Week next month. Just look at the loveliness she came up with! 408638_10151329757269909_558240781_n So off we went, hunting for the right fabrics, laces, pearls and silver chains... Such perfect ladytime ♥. IMG_3035 Oona herself is a Bona Fide Faery Princess. Such a beautiful person, inside and out. Somehow, her loveliness is present in all her creations. When wearing her handmade treasures, I feel her softness, gentleness and sweetness all around. IMG_3076 For the gloves, we'll use this French velvet in old rosa... Purrrrrrfect. IMG_3063 Laces, laces and some more laces... UhHuh how difficult it was to rule some of these beauties out... IMG_3046x x IMG_3062 Now Oona has flown back to her ateljé in Barcelona... And I'm impatiently waiting for her to come back - she'll fly over for a fitting of my Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle dress. And I will show you the pictures... IMG_3043 You can find Oona's dresses and Mo Puccino's Moonalia jewellery at Moonalia's etsy shop. They are handmade in heaven. ~*♥*~