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~* There's treasure everywhere *~

There are moments when you just need to slow down, even for a moment, let go of  every to-do -list in your head...  And if you're really brave, you might even close your eyes and take it all in on a different level.. And I promise, there's treasure everywhere. Yesterday, I did just that, closed my eyes and let the feelings flush over me, in a special musical event here in Helsinki. And the treasure I found, when closing my eyes and letting go, led to such a flow of tears that I ended using every single kleenex of every stranger  around me. And. It was beautiful and unforgettable. But now, let me take you to another journey... That of a LadyBohemia business trip to the South of France. Once and again, I found myself utterly (and as usual, happily) lost this time in the beautiful ancient cultural city of Aix-en-Provence. Without agenda or hurry, I stopped for a little cup of coffee... And closed my eyes, to take it all in. And there it was. The most charming little fountain... Ancient buildings, medieval gates... A lovely art gallery... Not to mention the best croissant of my life. AND a wonderous little boutique, full of tresors old and new, soooooo sophisticated and sensual, a real Aladdins cave for  LadyBohemia . IMG_1193dress And this I gotta mention... just look at the flow of this dress. It's is a unique piece, a golden beige silk and lace dream, handmade with love by the wonderful designer Oona Elena Kassila of Moonalia Design. The skirt was originally planned to be worn at a wedding, by a guest, but sorry, I just don't have the patience to wait for some of my friends to tie the knot.. And, I must say, we've already encountered the most memorable experiences together with this skirt. I wore it yesterday, at the preview of the record to come, and I'm sure it has marks of my tears here and there... And in fact I welcome each and every one of them. And then... As I didn't plan it very carefully, I wore this dress when I needed to carry a two heavy suitcases to a boutique... As this lovely dress has a lace train, my two boys walked behind me, carrying my train. Not a word of complaint - they're rather used to me. Again, a moment never to forget. Probably to all the passers-by as well.. IMG_1154

The brocante life in Aix... I just love it.


You might come across an item that just says  WaaaaaOoooH take me home I'm yours... But in any case, you get to see pieces with hundreds of years of history, tradition, stories... If only they could talk.

I for one would listen.


~* Minna H *~

On my way to a meeting with the beautiful and talented designer Minna Hepburn and this time I'm not gonna be late! I admire her work so much that I'm downright starstruck... We already tried to fix a meeting at the London Fashion Week but she wasn't in London at that time. Now, thanks to the Fashion Stock Sales, we've finally met in person. And she's every bit as lovely as this picture leads you to understand... Minna The horse is pretty gorgeous too, don't you think? I think it's her own.. Minna 2 Minna is the bestest model for her own creations. They're so... Her. The beautiful Finnish blonde deep in the English countryside, carelessly combining rubber boots with the finest of vintage lace. Flowers in her hair. Minna 4We'll be talking shop, and here you can see why. Antique laces and vintage pieces... I simply love Minna's touch. Let's see if something sweet shall follow from our meeting... Will keep you posted. ~*♥*~

~* A Tuscan spring in Hel *~

download 5The lovely Tita Sirén from Bottega Verde invited us to celebrate the arrival of spring, in Tuscan style. With freezing Hel all around us, we did our best ♥. IMG_6726The wonderful Café de Abejas were there, treating us with a live concert. Honey for the eyes as well as ears. Such a charming couple they are, that it's a pure joy to follow their success ♥. kaisu-1Despite the, öhm, shall I say weatherly limitations, we were determined to color things into spring. 9 I'm a living proof of how one 1 mm wide detail can make anyone look pro... You wouldn't believe how many doors my red stripe, the Canon one, has opened for me. Thanks to this little stripe, I've been invited backstage in fashion shows to photograph models getting ready, to interview designers behind the scenes, give comments to magazines and even once to a tv (!). Huh, I say. kaisu-2* IMG_6796Queen of the day, Tita Sirén. Our hostess, with the right kinda sparkle in her eyes. IMG_6692 My favorite couple, Hannele and Torsti. If ever there is a match made in heaven, here it is. I had met these two lovely people only once, when already they started helping me out with something that I had tried to work on for two years... And alone I was just too technologically challenged to get anything right. I couldn't find anybody to help me out.. But with Hannele and Torsti, I didn't even need to ask. They just realised I was in trouble and started helping. Their generosity and kindness has touched me more than I can say.

IMG_6771The Beautiful Leena Sarvi with our hostess Tita.

I've always admired Leena's look and graciousness, but in this event she actually approached me and told me she loved my style!!!

Wow, got completely flustered! What a compliment, and from such an elegant lady nonetheless! somehow, I managed to blurt out that I also really loved the creamy beige furry vest she was wearing. She told me she'd found it from Ajatar AND the following Monday I actually found the very last piece there, and got it as a gift :) . Wow! I'm on a roll here.

Heli Kajo, below, didn't want to be photographed without make-up and with new experimental hair - but as she always has the coolest accessories, those I immortalized. A large golden Donald, furry ginger scarf, pinkish hair. I could never pull something like that off, Heli always can.


I love, loved, loved Leena's coat as well... But this gorgeous work of art is a unique piece in Finland. Just look at the silver and rhinestone decorations in the back and on the sides.. Uh, wow. kaisu-3*

kaisu-6Friends, friends... The salt, spice and sugar of life.

kaisu-5* download 4 * [caption id="attachment_12652" align="aligncenter" width="305"]download 1 Okay, the dress was: shirt with satin ribbon under the chest, find from France, tweed skirt with lace detail Férrer, bag Chanel, Italian boots gift from Pipsa, silver bracelets handmade, gift from my dad when I was 6, from a Zambian silversmith. He gave them to me in adult size so I'd always remember that period of my life.
I do.[/caption] Afterwards, we all went out to eat together... And if it's true what they say about laughter prolonging one's life, I owe at least one future decade to Pipsa and Lalli's past adventures. [caption id="attachment_12660" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_6968 Pipsa Lagus, Lalli Savolainen[/caption] * kaisu-4* IMG_6944 ♥ My friends ♥. Love ya. ~*♥*~

~* Tea time whispers *~

Tea time filled with secrets and dreams, secret dreams, still only spoken about in whispers, but actually becoming reality. So many pieces are just falling into place that I simply can not believe it. I really thought that Lady Luck had abandoned me for good but now, I find myself in her favor again.

Eric 2

Can't wait to tell you what we're planning, plotting, preparing... But this I can say already. I just know you are going to love it. As soon as there are names on papers, I'll let you in on what is my future. Now please, my dear readers, keep all your fingers and toes crossed for me...

Eric 1

[caption id="attachment_12483" align="aligncenter" width="230"]kuva 21 Today's outfit consisted of old meeting new as is the case oftentimes... Burgundy leather skirt, a find from Paris some 15 years ago. Odd Molly silk blouse. Suede ankle boots, Calvin Klein, found secondhand from Kaivarin kanuuna. Stockings, found from London some 10 years ago, worn the first time here.. Pearls on my hips, a gift from Oona Elena Kassila. Golden bracelet, gift from my father, 34 years ago from Zambia.[/caption]


kuva 51


kuva b* kuva c* kuva 41 x* Eric Photos by my darling friend Pipsa Lagus. Whilst I'm a dreamer par excellence, Pipsa is a primus motor in making (my) dreams happen ♥. ~*♥*~

~* London Fashion Week 2013 *~

How can I summarize the visual fireworks we experienced? Nope, I can't.

Perhaps these photos will let you in on something exciting, enticing, inviting... A week of fun, a week of play. Something as sweet and carefree as is this picture.

IMG_4810A week of elegance it was, also. IMG_4606 An unforgettable week of new horizons. So many things I realized, found, discovered. Around and inside myself. Somerset House. Like an ancient palace, so vibrant with life. I loved this place. IMG_4622 *  And the Hippy Princesses, the Punk Ladies, the Oriental Orchids, all those fashion scouts, bloggers, journalists, tv-crews, designers... I could have sat there in Somerset House all day, just taking it all in. IMG_4754* IMG_4783* IMG_4627* IMG_4727This lady below ooooozed such effortless chic glow that all the photographers just made a run for it when she walzed in... IMG_4669 * IMG_4659 *


Did I mention the quirkyest shoes? They made a grand entrance as well. IMG_4651London proved it... Shoewise, I'm hopelessly unfashionable. IMG_4805* IMG_4619 Finally, a little something familiar.. IMG_4617Something icy cool, that's what these ladies were.. IMG_4761* IMG_4621 * IMG_4679* IMG_4685 * IMG_4609It seemed as if the whole city was dressed up in  these panels.  How can I summarize this experience that was the Fashion Week? It feels like trying to put London into words. Impossible. Something out of boundaries. New, raw, edgy, even rough. Eversoslightly punk. Experimental, somewhat out there. Bold, rather than pretty. It's so easy to breathe in London. Everything goes. ~*♥*~