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~* Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle *~

The magically talented Oona Kassila will design a dress for me... A custom order piece, to make me feel like a faery princess at the London Fashion Week next month. Just look at the loveliness she came up with! 408638_10151329757269909_558240781_n So off we went, hunting for the right fabrics, laces, pearls and silver chains... Such perfect ladytime ♥. IMG_3035 Oona herself is a Bona Fide Faery Princess. Such a beautiful person, inside and out. Somehow, her loveliness is present in all her creations. When wearing her handmade treasures, I feel her softness, gentleness and sweetness all around. IMG_3076 For the gloves, we'll use this French velvet in old rosa... Purrrrrrfect. IMG_3063 Laces, laces and some more laces... UhHuh how difficult it was to rule some of these beauties out... IMG_3046x x IMG_3062 Now Oona has flown back to her ateljé in Barcelona... And I'm impatiently waiting for her to come back - she'll fly over for a fitting of my Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle dress. And I will show you the pictures... IMG_3043 You can find Oona's dresses and Mo Puccino's Moonalia jewellery at Moonalia's etsy shop. They are handmade in heaven. ~*♥*~

~* sunrise sunrise *~

feels like morning in your eyes... sings Norah Jones in my heart when I look at these pictures. ~♥~

I'm sorry my dear readers, for not having been able to give you more of my time recently. I try, I do try to steal a moment here and there for myself - that is for LadyBohemia - but it is difficult. I drop in to write a line, to post a photo, to capture a moment, whenever possible... but all too often it is impossible. Well, as you might have realised... sometimes life is just so. Thank you for bearing up with me ♥. ~*♥*~

*~ MidSummerNight's Dream ~*

My LadyBohemia IvoryWhite Lace Shawl. So warm, so soft, so comforting. Wearing it feels like a lover's embrace. [caption id="attachment_9860" align="aligncenter" width="500"] PhotoMagic: Minna Kulmala Photography[/caption] Babysoft cotton with handmade lace detailing in the softest, dustyest shades of French laces, ribbons and buttons.  Beautiful, feminine, unique. Like everything by OonaElena. ~*♥*~