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~* a Kristina Viirpalu photoshoot *~

IMG_0955This is my very first Kristina Viirpalu dress, an absolute favorite. Perfect for any occasion; work, cafés, movies, heart-to-heart teabreak with a  friend... Hand woven of thick high-quality cotton, It's so soft and comfortable that I even wear it on airplanes. As all of Kristina's dresses, this too is a unique piece. IMG_0964x* IMG_0929I love this bow... Detachable, it can be worn with other dresses - and turn them into statement pieces as well. IMG_0943The wonderfully talented Pipsa Lagus organized this photoshoot next to Kaivohuone on one particularly windy and drizzly day... We had a car running right next to us with the heating on at full force... Salvation. The meter maids happened to be making their rounds around the parking lot... In fact, I think they made several slow rounds, wondering how to react to what we were doing... And even a police car happened to drop by at the empty parking and made a little tour around us... But they all just gave us puzzled looks and let us go on about our business. Pipsa has that effect on people... Me, I just tend to get in trouble...

IMG_0995xChecking the results of the day.... At the point when I started turning blue in the face, we shifted to photographing the Black Rose Wool Coat on top of this dress - not only beautiful but a highly convenient solution.

IMG_0976 * IMG_1004 Happy happy :). When I see this photo I still feel it in my bones how wonderfully warm it was, that moment. ~*♥*~