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Something wonderful

I've already mentioned how my friends went out on a campaign to help me out when my life fell apart... But instead of sorrow and loss, now I am going to tell you only about good and wonderful things.

LadyBohemia is opening a worldwide webshop any day now. It's true, it's happening.

My friends Oona Kassila, Bhakti Kulmala and Minna Kulmala have done an enormous labor of love for me - I find no words to thank them.

But I'll give you a little preview of the beauty coming up - all photos by the incredibly talented Minna Kulmala.

Oonanen4 A turquoise / white tunic top


Italian lace blouse plus snakepattern pants...


Golden shimmery evening dress...


A bohemian goddess dream dress...

And so much more. It's so good for me to dive into this work that I love. I truly need something to focus on and thanks to my darling friends, I've got it.

So very soon, a very big part of LadyBohemia's collection is going to be available worldwide - we deliver everywhere.

The site is not live yet, but as soon as it is, I'll let you know <3.

Sending hugs, LadyBohemia


~* My Bohemian Beauty *~

Look what I got!!!!! Isn't she purrrrrrrrfect!


There is a very special person in this world - in MY world - who didn't want the children and I feeling cold... And arranged this when I was on a business trip in Paris. The car has absolutely everything you could dream of - even a little jar where to put perfume <3 <3 <3. Well, she is French after all <3.

You can imagine how spoiled I feel... Both feet firmly off the ground as usual.

Happy Monday my dear friends! Mine already is <3.



~* Standstill *~

Huoh now I've learned what it's like to try to try work when surrounded by 5,6 million angry Frenchmen on strike... And these guys sure take their strikes seriously. Taxi drivers, who were let's say a little less than satisfied with their benefits, blocked all possible roads. Overnight, Paris became dead empty, a deserted city. Tires were burned on highways leading to airports... Flights cancelled... One temperamental bus driver got fed up with the taxi drivers blocking him and drove head on into the demonstrating crowd... Police and soldiers with machine guns everywhere.

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And there I was, in my hotel, with altogether 50 kilos of cargo. Not realising a strike was imminent, I'd dragged all my newfound LadyBohemia treasures to the hotel, thinking I'd ship them to Finland the next. morning. A day fully booked with meetings, this amount of clothes shoes and bags to carry, and I was so heavily charged I couldn't even move.

It took half a day and dozens of help begging phone calls to get a lift from anyone – just anyone. At the end I just asked drivers to name their price to take me around for a few hours so I could make my purchases and ship the goods By the time I was almost in tears along came Lee, a wonderful gentleman who agreed to be my private chauffeur for the day. He carried my bags, boxes, suitcases; took me all around the city for my meetings… Took me to airport next morning … And even carried my suitcases all the way to the check-in counter. Salvation.

I made it, was able to send my goods to LadyBohemia, and was able to even get to the plane I'm sitting in when writing this. Just yesterday all this would have been impossible.


~* Paris positively floating *~

Such a happy, happy day.

Today I'm positively floating. Love is in the air, beautiful plans being made, most romantic city of the world surrounding me, feeling so loved and utterly spoiled... For the first time in such a long time, I dare to dream. Sounds little and humble yet means everything. Just like missing someone is the sweetest pain in the world... Cause you understand the bliss of having that somebody to miss.

My favorite ever Paris hotel, where they blow kisses my way and wish me welcome home when I enter... Dinner at my local restaurant  where they remember which music I love...

 A long call from my special someone.

Life is beautiful.

[caption id="attachment_15043" align="aligncenter" width="640"]109_946348242103258_1396641375981140041_n Dinner at the "library room", Quartier Latin[/caption]


~* LadyBohemia Photoshoot *~

This weekend, we had a wonderful photo shoot during which I once again totally exhausted my photographer...

Above, the flamenco style Vintage Couture dress is by Jasmin Santanen, and will be featured in the November issue of Gloria Magazine also. Fake fur is a flea market find. Car just happened to be there, on our way to the actual site :).

Minna's account of our little adventure says it all:

"Yesterday I was shooting fashion photos for LadyBohemia. 7 hours of laces, flowers, make up, amazing designer gowns and jewelry and shoes even got a tomboy like me posing in front of the mirror with a rose.."

11211_10151716455348402_13372171_nPhotographer extraordinaire, Minna from Minna Kulmala Photography. Nobody can capture a mood and a moment like her.

Thank you Thank you Thank you sweet soul. You made my day perfect.

Dear readers, this is just a little taste of what we've been up to... I will show you the full results of our labour soon. This I can already say... This will be something straight from the heart, something I'm very proud of.

Can't wait to share it with you ♥.
