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~* Designers, Godmothers & Business Angels *~

February is hugely busy month for a blogger... There are photoshoots, fashion shows, discussions with magazines, fittings with designers, advertising and media agencies... A launch of something mindblowingly beautiful, yet very hush-hush, in the cards... And of course, the main event of the season; the London Fashion Week. But don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm loving every second of it. IMG_3730Yesterday, it was brainstorming at Godmother advertising with Godmother extraordinaire, Annika Di-Chiara, and the lady with magic on her fingertips; designer and artist Oona Elena Kassila. IMG_3816x* IMG_3780We got even Lele thingking... IMG_3784_1The creative process absolutely requires cupcakes. IMG_3802* IMG_3778With a happy full tummy, the ideas just swing & fly... IMG_3818 Barcelona Ateljé! Workshops! Goddess Dresses! The magic of Oona and Mo. IMG_3706The question of the day was: "What is your dream?" Once that's crystal clear, the rest will come. Sometimes through nights of no sleep, tears, self-doubt, even moments of despair. But it will come. [caption id="attachment_12127" align="aligncenter" width="316"]IMG_3858 And these boots... They're made for walking.[/caption] Ready. Steady. And then Darling; Go. Fly High ♥. ~*♥*~