LadyBohemia — Valentino master of couture RSS

~* Valentino *~

IMG_4634 It happened to me again... Life got on the way of blogging. There are so many fun, sweet, touching, hilarious photos and moments I'd like to share with you, starting with everything that happened during the London Fashion Week... But there has been so much going on that I find it hard to keep up with my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...  That's just the say I love it. So, this gorgeous red veil leads to the entrance of the Valentino exhibition at Somerset House, the heart of the Fashion Week. IMG_4637* IMG_4629* IMG_4632 Today's actually the last chance to catch this exhibition! How fitting. So, anybody in London... A little tip for the day... Go see this one, and bring a good book to entertain you in the queue :). ~*♥*~