LadyBohemia — Moonalia Dream RSS

~* Designers, Godmothers & Business Angels *~

February is hugely busy month for a blogger... There are photoshoots, fashion shows, discussions with magazines, fittings with designers, advertising and media agencies... A launch of something mindblowingly beautiful, yet very hush-hush, in the cards... And of course, the main event of the season; the London Fashion Week. But don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm loving every second of it. IMG_3730Yesterday, it was brainstorming at Godmother advertising with Godmother extraordinaire, Annika Di-Chiara, and the lady with magic on her fingertips; designer and artist Oona Elena Kassila. IMG_3816x* IMG_3780We got even Lele thingking... IMG_3784_1The creative process absolutely requires cupcakes. IMG_3802* IMG_3778With a happy full tummy, the ideas just swing & fly... IMG_3818 Barcelona Ateljé! Workshops! Goddess Dresses! The magic of Oona and Mo. IMG_3706The question of the day was: "What is your dream?" Once that's crystal clear, the rest will come. Sometimes through nights of no sleep, tears, self-doubt, even moments of despair. But it will come. [caption id="attachment_12127" align="aligncenter" width="316"]IMG_3858 And these boots... They're made for walking.[/caption] Ready. Steady. And then Darling; Go. Fly High ♥. ~*♥*~

~* Poetically Beautiful *~

kaisuetuosa111I am so excited, and so incredibly grateful. Not only do I have I been invited to the London Fashion Week this February, but my friend and favorite designer Oona Elena Kassila has designed The Most Beautiful Dress in the World for me to wear during that hulabaloo. This was the original sketch she showed me... As you might imagine, I fell in love with it the moment I first lay eyes on it. If ever - no, WHEN - I get a little desk, a corner or a room to be called my LadyBohemia Ateljé, I shall frame this picture on my wall ♥. Such artistry, such beauty, such warmth of friendship it shines on me. IMG_3077 sage green Oona and I started our little fashion week project with a quest for the most beautiful silks, laces and rosies here in Helsinki, to be continued by Oona in the jewellery, fabrics and beads markets of Barcelona... She is working from her Ateljé in Spain, so she sends me photos and ideas of the work in progress at night time. This is what I got yesterday. A beautiful silver chain with charmingly faceted silver beads that shimmer with light... A delicate moonstone... I'll be walking on air when carrying this dress. No, I'll be dancing on roses. Kaisu1 kaisu2* kaisuetuosa112 And this is where we're at, two weeks before the event. It's so... poetically beautiful that I'm lost for words. And next weekend my beautiful friend will fly over for a fitting... To make everything just perfect. Oh, I feel just like a princess. ~*♥*~

~* moonstone tiara *~

The wonderfully talented Mo Puccino has designed a tiara, especially for me!!!

It's a unique piece, simply divine. I could attach it with a lace ribbon... Mmmmmm and I have just the perfect dress to wear with this! A find from Paris; an airlight softwhite silk dream with uneven fay hemline, that 1920's silhouette that I love so, with handembroidered lace details... Oh I'll try to photograph it for you soon my friends. I'm one happy cat today. Purrrrring like the cat goddess Chaolin, who got to pose with my beauty first:


~* sunrise sunrise *~

feels like morning in your eyes... sings Norah Jones in my heart when I look at these pictures. ~♥~

I'm sorry my dear readers, for not having been able to give you more of my time recently. I try, I do try to steal a moment here and there for myself - that is for LadyBohemia - but it is difficult. I drop in to write a line, to post a photo, to capture a moment, whenever possible... but all too often it is impossible. Well, as you might have realised... sometimes life is just so. Thank you for bearing up with me ♥. ~*♥*~

*~ MidSummerNight's Dream ~*

My LadyBohemia IvoryWhite Lace Shawl. So warm, so soft, so comforting. Wearing it feels like a lover's embrace. [caption id="attachment_9860" align="aligncenter" width="500"] PhotoMagic: Minna Kulmala Photography[/caption] Babysoft cotton with handmade lace detailing in the softest, dustyest shades of French laces, ribbons and buttons.  Beautiful, feminine, unique. Like everything by OonaElena. ~*♥*~