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Lyric Autumness

Autumness is softly sliding into the world of LadyBohemia... Still some wonderfully warm  rays of sun caressing your face, yet night time is turning into candlelighttime. To me, this Autumn brings a newfound comfort and  kindness in the air.

A wonderful artist Milena Soyoung, who owns many of LadyBohemia's most beautiful treasures, has been photographed wearing them by Fjodor Zimmermann. Truly a photographer and model turning pictures into art.
This is my very favorite LadyBohemia dress for the fall.
Such soothing artistry they've created. My soul rests in these pictures.
A little wild dance never hurt anybody.

Milena is an incredibly inspiring soul; artist, musician, dancer... There is really no label I could confine her into. But it feels to me that what ever she touches becomes art. 

Do take a look at her own page... Perhaps you will find inspiration in her artistic expression of the inner world... I escape to these secret hiding places when my inner world could use a little magic.

Thank you darling Milena for once again bringing the soul of LadyBohemia to life. As always, with your very own unique touch. 

~* moonstone tiara *~

The wonderfully talented Mo Puccino has designed a tiara, especially for me!!!

It's a unique piece, simply divine. I could attach it with a lace ribbon... Mmmmmm and I have just the perfect dress to wear with this! A find from Paris; an airlight softwhite silk dream with uneven fay hemline, that 1920's silhouette that I love so, with handembroidered lace details... Oh I'll try to photograph it for you soon my friends. I'm one happy cat today. Purrrrring like the cat goddess Chaolin, who got to pose with my beauty first:


Oona Elena!

Kun nyt mainitsin Jasmin Santasen niin mainitsenpa toisenkin suosikkinisuunnittelijani: Oona Elena Kassilan. Oonan ihanat, uniikit luomukset henkivät vanhan ajan charmia. Töissään hän käyttää antiikkipitsejä, helmiä, jalokiviä, bambunappeja, käsintehtyjä ruusuja... Oona tekee taikojaan Balilla, jonne hän on lennähtänyt Pariisista loskaa karkuun. Hänen töissään tanssivat keijut, metsänneidot ja haltijattaret:-).