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~* Poetically Beautiful *~

kaisuetuosa111I am so excited, and so incredibly grateful. Not only do I have I been invited to the London Fashion Week this February, but my friend and favorite designer Oona Elena Kassila has designed The Most Beautiful Dress in the World for me to wear during that hulabaloo. This was the original sketch she showed me... As you might imagine, I fell in love with it the moment I first lay eyes on it. If ever - no, WHEN - I get a little desk, a corner or a room to be called my LadyBohemia Ateljé, I shall frame this picture on my wall ♥. Such artistry, such beauty, such warmth of friendship it shines on me. IMG_3077 sage green Oona and I started our little fashion week project with a quest for the most beautiful silks, laces and rosies here in Helsinki, to be continued by Oona in the jewellery, fabrics and beads markets of Barcelona... She is working from her Ateljé in Spain, so she sends me photos and ideas of the work in progress at night time. This is what I got yesterday. A beautiful silver chain with charmingly faceted silver beads that shimmer with light... A delicate moonstone... I'll be walking on air when carrying this dress. No, I'll be dancing on roses. Kaisu1 kaisu2* kaisuetuosa112 And this is where we're at, two weeks before the event. It's so... poetically beautiful that I'm lost for words. And next weekend my beautiful friend will fly over for a fitting... To make everything just perfect. Oh, I feel just like a princess. ~*♥*~


  • Annika

    Oh my…I’m pretty sure we will see your pic on Vogue!!!! And soon everybody will have Oona’s name on their lips and everybody will want a special unique Oona-design-dress!!!!

  • LadyBohemia

    I have absolutely no doubt of that! There’s just nobody like her, talentwise and lovelinesswise :)

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