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~* LadyBohemia InWonderland *~

[caption id="attachment_12173" align="aligncenter" width="390"]photo blogikoko Sara Kietzmann was also photographing the FreshEst exhibition and happened to capture me in full swing. Thank you Sara![/caption] Finally, I'm back! I'm so sorry for not having kept you posted on my London experiences. There are so many photos, so many stories to share... But you see. The wi-fi at the hotel didn't work. And sometimes a girl is just too busy living her adventure, as opposed to tracking down netcafes to write about it. But here I am, back in my own bed, wrapped in my down feather duvet, with my LadyBohemia PC on my lap. Where to begin... Yes. With this photo from Kristina Viirpalu and FreshEst's award winning exhibition at Horse's Head in Soho. It was our first night in London. And I was soooooo happy, so much in my element, that I was flying. ~*♥*~

~* a Kristina Viirpalu photoshoot *~

IMG_0955This is my very first Kristina Viirpalu dress, an absolute favorite. Perfect for any occasion; work, cafés, movies, heart-to-heart teabreak with a  friend... Hand woven of thick high-quality cotton, It's so soft and comfortable that I even wear it on airplanes. As all of Kristina's dresses, this too is a unique piece. IMG_0964x* IMG_0929I love this bow... Detachable, it can be worn with other dresses - and turn them into statement pieces as well. IMG_0943The wonderfully talented Pipsa Lagus organized this photoshoot next to Kaivohuone on one particularly windy and drizzly day... We had a car running right next to us with the heating on at full force... Salvation. The meter maids happened to be making their rounds around the parking lot... In fact, I think they made several slow rounds, wondering how to react to what we were doing... And even a police car happened to drop by at the empty parking and made a little tour around us... But they all just gave us puzzled looks and let us go on about our business. Pipsa has that effect on people... Me, I just tend to get in trouble...

IMG_0995xChecking the results of the day.... At the point when I started turning blue in the face, we shifted to photographing the Black Rose Wool Coat on top of this dress - not only beautiful but a highly convenient solution.

IMG_0976 * IMG_1004 Happy happy :). When I see this photo I still feel it in my bones how wonderfully warm it was, that moment. ~*♥*~

~* Hard at work *~

Haha, I've been blogged! Thank you for the compliment, Northern Charm ♥ And bytheway, look at my gorgeous new objective! I bought it especially when during one single week, I was (well, LadyBohemia was) invited to feature this fashion show by Kristina Viirpalu, the  personal wardrobe of Sari Ihatsu from Ajatar, and the exhibition opening of Anna Gav. Such an honor all this wonderful hulabaloo has been for my little blog, that I decided to rise to the occasion, even technologywise. We don't know each other very well yet, my new objective and I, but he already looks very pro, don't you think. ~*♥*~

~* Tallinn by Night *~

[caption id="attachment_10598" align="aligncenter" width="367"] Photo Jari Laaksonen, Very Prestige[/caption] ...was dutifully explored by the d'ORO guests. [caption id="attachment_10606" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Fashion editor Nina Nuorivaara, Marika Nöjd (Tallink Silja), Sissi Siiskonen (Press & pr d'Oro), one LadyBohemia; soaked & happy.[/caption] Our night was off to a rocky start though... After the show, it was pouring rain outside. However, we decided to catch a bit of fresh air and walk to dinner... Which, as the restaurant turned out to be somewhere, far, and nobody knew exactly where, prompted a passionate debate amongst our little group over which one of us was MOST made of sugar. My Italian soft rosa silk strappy heels gave Mikael a run for his money but this one he won. I walked, ran and hopped over paddles all the way to the restaurant, cheerfully I might add,  whereas Mikael went on full strike and only joined us after finding a taxi :). We were offered a wonderful fusion dinner at the most sympathetic and atmospheric little restaurant called nAnO, a first ever mixture of Indian and Greek soul food I've tried. Sounds funny, tastes yummy. Our beautiful hostess Beatrice took such good care of us... Her husband even carried my bags to the restaurant! I was very reasonable and sensible throughout our visit, didn't go to the night club, didn't go shopping with the others, got a healthy 10 hours' sleep... Until I came across this black beauty by Kristina Viirpalu. Well you can guess... I really, really wanted to take it home with me. But another lady had reserved it first. I asked her what she thought... And she thought long and hard. Then, everso sweetly, she concluded that as she lives next door from Kristina's, it's easier for her to come across another unique piece that fits perfectly, than for me coming all the way from Finland. So she let me have the dress. And although she laughed, there were a couple of tears in her eyes. Wow, how impressed I've been by the Estonian ladies during this trip... Dear Beatrice, dear Ene, dear Kristina. Thank you for all your hospitality and kindness. These flowers are for you ♥. ~*♥*~

~* Flyin' high *~

Yesterday evening, at dinner, my son confirmed "You haven't started packing yet mom, have you?" "Nope" I stated, confidently. "I'm only leaving tomorrow morning. Plenty of time". In the morning, he came to give me his hug & kiss before school. Asking "You haven't started packing yet, have you mom? Do you think that maybe you should? Before the taxi comes?". Every time, every single time I travel I have this conversation with him. How come I never learn??? A question I once again asked myself, when frantically throwing stuff into my suitcase when the taxi was already waiting. Well, here I am, despite myself getting ready for Kristina's show and the jazz concert after... Feeling more than a little bit guilty of not being more... Punctual. Better. Organised. But. I'm soooo happy, so very much closer to the essence of freedom and being,  when every now and again I can just fly high. See the adventure before me, without schedule or agenda. PS. In all honesty. I guess it's all a balancing act. And my son, as usual, is way ahead of me. Had I not listened to him, once again, I would have missed my boat. And my adventure entirely ♥. PS. Photos by magic talent: Minna Kulmala Photography. ~*♥*~