LadyBohemia — Kristina Viirpalu fashion show RSS

~* Hard at work *~

Haha, I've been blogged! Thank you for the compliment, Northern Charm ♥ And bytheway, look at my gorgeous new objective! I bought it especially when during one single week, I was (well, LadyBohemia was) invited to feature this fashion show by Kristina Viirpalu, the  personal wardrobe of Sari Ihatsu from Ajatar, and the exhibition opening of Anna Gav. Such an honor all this wonderful hulabaloo has been for my little blog, that I decided to rise to the occasion, even technologywise. We don't know each other very well yet, my new objective and I, but he already looks very pro, don't you think. ~*♥*~

~* Edgy, adventurous, sexy, powerful *~

Yet uncompromisingly feminine as ever. Voilà, Kristina Viirpalu's stunning new collection that we got to celebrate as  guests of Press & Pr d'ORO and Tallink Silja this weekend. [caption id="attachment_10551" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The Queen of the night.
Photo: Delfi[/caption] Our distinguished group of fashionistas included Mikael and Jari... [caption id="attachment_10553" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Note the flower details... Our guys were gentlemen, to the last drop.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10554" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The Wonderful Unique Pipsa Lagus, whom I finally got to really meet. Pipsa who wrote to me at two o'clock the following night that she missed me already. And of course I was awake, missing her too :).
PS. My dress is by Kristina[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10556" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo: Delfi[/caption]

The show was a fusion of modern dance, music and the gorgeous clothes. Bold, even raw at times. In a good way. No pauses between wow factors. The show had Kristina's trademark written all over it.. Cool, rock, sexy vibe. * with that unique touch of romance that I so adore in Kristina's creations. Every piece, handmade. A long knitted dress such as the one above takes a month at the átelje. One magic creation came home with me... They tend to gravitate towards a loving home...I'll try to get a photo of the black beauty soon. And this long dream was brought to Ella Kanninen, directly from the show, by her stylist Pauliina: [caption id="attachment_10571" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo: Iltalehti[/caption] Worn by Ella at MTV 3's Dances with stars just the following day :). [caption id="attachment_10588" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Sissi <3[/caption] We were pampered by all this and more by Sirkka Siiskonen from Press & pr d'ORO... I'll let you in on a few more of our adventures a little later... But a lady's gotta sleep too...Even yesterday I opted the jazz night club where Kristina had invited us to a gooooood long night's sleep ♥. Ah. ~*♥*~

~* Flyin' high *~

Yesterday evening, at dinner, my son confirmed "You haven't started packing yet mom, have you?" "Nope" I stated, confidently. "I'm only leaving tomorrow morning. Plenty of time". In the morning, he came to give me his hug & kiss before school. Asking "You haven't started packing yet, have you mom? Do you think that maybe you should? Before the taxi comes?". Every time, every single time I travel I have this conversation with him. How come I never learn??? A question I once again asked myself, when frantically throwing stuff into my suitcase when the taxi was already waiting. Well, here I am, despite myself getting ready for Kristina's show and the jazz concert after... Feeling more than a little bit guilty of not being more... Punctual. Better. Organised. But. I'm soooo happy, so very much closer to the essence of freedom and being,  when every now and again I can just fly high. See the adventure before me, without schedule or agenda. PS. In all honesty. I guess it's all a balancing act. And my son, as usual, is way ahead of me. Had I not listened to him, once again, I would have missed my boat. And my adventure entirely ♥. PS. Photos by magic talent: Minna Kulmala Photography. ~*♥*~

~* silken antique charm *~

Tomorrow is going to be so exciting... I've been invited to a press trip to Estonia, to the fashion show of one of my favorite designers in the whole wide world; Kristina Viirpalu. Last spring Kristina's show was something out of this world, a great gatsbyesque fanfare of unique creations. So my whole body is positively tingling with anticipation... The only thing ready for tomorrow morning  - which is more than in my usual repertoire - is that this silk embroidered Parisian dream will share this adventure with me. In fact, every time we travel with this bag, it loses a few pearls and gets just a little bit more worn out and ragged around the edges.. And I love it more and more for every sign of our experiences shared. I'm glad it isn't shiny and new. Nor am I. But what the heck. We've both got  character ♥. ~*♥*~

♫♪♫ It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing...

What an experience was my weekend. Swing dance, live bands, oysters & champagne, secret poker matches, prohibition style... A fashion show beautiful as the Golden Gatsby & spirited like Joséphine Baker. We really got to relive a night  from the roaring 20's... And I shall show you all it's beauty, as soon as I catch my breath. But I'll tell you this right now. I had other blogging engagements  (another fashion show, fashion brunch & designer's second hand sales) lined up for this weekend but I cancelled everything. For I couldn't let anything distract or diminish the sweet high of THIS event. That's how lovely it all was. ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪