~* Flyin' high *~
Yesterday evening, at dinner, my son confirmed "You haven't started packing yet mom, have you?"
"Nope" I stated, confidently. "I'm only leaving tomorrow morning. Plenty of time".
In the morning, he came to give me his hug & kiss before school. Asking "You haven't started packing yet, have you mom? Do you think that maybe you should? Before the taxi comes?".
Every time, every single time I travel I have this conversation with him.
How come I never learn???
A question I once again asked myself, when frantically throwing stuff into my suitcase when the taxi was already waiting.
Well, here I am, despite myself getting ready for Kristina's show and the jazz concert after... Feeling more than a little bit guilty of not being more... Punctual. Better. Organised.
I'm soooo happy, so very much closer to the essence of freedom and being, when every now and again I can just fly high. See the adventure before me, without schedule or agenda.
In all honesty.
I guess it's all a balancing act. And my son, as usual, is way ahead of me.
Had I not listened to him, once again, I would have missed my boat. And my adventure entirely ♥.
PS. Photos by magic talent: Minna Kulmala Photography.