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~* LadyBohemia InWonderland *~

[caption id="attachment_12173" align="aligncenter" width="390"]photo blogikoko Sara Kietzmann was also photographing the FreshEst exhibition and happened to capture me in full swing. Thank you Sara![/caption] Finally, I'm back! I'm so sorry for not having kept you posted on my London experiences. There are so many photos, so many stories to share... But you see. The wi-fi at the hotel didn't work. And sometimes a girl is just too busy living her adventure, as opposed to tracking down netcafes to write about it. But here I am, back in my own bed, wrapped in my down feather duvet, with my LadyBohemia PC on my lap. Where to begin... Yes. With this photo from Kristina Viirpalu and FreshEst's award winning exhibition at Horse's Head in Soho. It was our first night in London. And I was soooooo happy, so much in my element, that I was flying. ~*♥*~