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~* Sweetest moment, ever *~

The sweetest moment I can remember was offered to my love and I on our first real family trip.

As we sat down for dinner, my son Joel took Kalle by the hand, looked at him in the eyes and simply stated: "Best friends".

Kalle and I looked at each other, both literally moved to tears, but the kids thought nothing of it. That's just the way it is.

[caption id="attachment_15583" align="aligncenter" width="522"]FullSizeRender The trust only a child's eyes can behold <3[/caption]



~* My child of divorce *~

I just called my youngest son in France.

Me: "How are you my sweetie?"

Him: "But what's going on with you Maman???"

Me: "I'm fine of course, just wanted to hear how you're feeling..."

Him: "If everything's okay with you Maman, then everything is okay with me."

(Jos sulla on kaikki hyvin äiti niin sitten mullakin on.)

He is nine years old.

Every parent - well, every sensible human being - knows what's so deeply wrong about this conversation.

[caption id="attachment_15562" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0142 Nothing beats exploring with my wise little man.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_15563" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0143 Meat eating plant! Yeahhhhhh![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_15564" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0144 "Come this way Maman, I'll show you where to step..."[/caption]

My baby, grown too big too soon.


~* Best of times *~

First time since ages, my youngest son and I got to spend a full evening together. Dinner and a movie it was, both chosen by him. Pirates of the Caribbean... Pizza dinner, eaten in bed... Many laughs, him explaining the plot and characters to me,  laying together on our small sofa - total stress release. My guys simply are the best company ever.

After, Luca asked me to stay with him until he fell asleep, to chase away any potential nightmare. My baby.

Then in the morning he sneaked silently into my bed, whispered into my ear. "Do you remember when I told you that you're the best mother in the world?". Yes of course, I answered. No mother would ever forget - he's said it only once, in those  exact words.

He hugged me tightly. "I really meant it", he whispered.

Speechlessness at it's purest.



~* Standstill *~

Huoh now I've learned what it's like to try to try work when surrounded by 5,6 million angry Frenchmen on strike... And these guys sure take their strikes seriously. Taxi drivers, who were let's say a little less than satisfied with their benefits, blocked all possible roads. Overnight, Paris became dead empty, a deserted city. Tires were burned on highways leading to airports... Flights cancelled... One temperamental bus driver got fed up with the taxi drivers blocking him and drove head on into the demonstrating crowd... Police and soldiers with machine guns everywhere.

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And there I was, in my hotel, with altogether 50 kilos of cargo. Not realising a strike was imminent, I'd dragged all my newfound LadyBohemia treasures to the hotel, thinking I'd ship them to Finland the next. morning. A day fully booked with meetings, this amount of clothes shoes and bags to carry, and I was so heavily charged I couldn't even move.

It took half a day and dozens of help begging phone calls to get a lift from anyone – just anyone. At the end I just asked drivers to name their price to take me around for a few hours so I could make my purchases and ship the goods By the time I was almost in tears along came Lee, a wonderful gentleman who agreed to be my private chauffeur for the day. He carried my bags, boxes, suitcases; took me all around the city for my meetings… Took me to airport next morning … And even carried my suitcases all the way to the check-in counter. Salvation.

I made it, was able to send my goods to LadyBohemia, and was able to even get to the plane I'm sitting in when writing this. Just yesterday all this would have been impossible.


~* Paris positively floating *~

Such a happy, happy day.

Today I'm positively floating. Love is in the air, beautiful plans being made, most romantic city of the world surrounding me, feeling so loved and utterly spoiled... For the first time in such a long time, I dare to dream. Sounds little and humble yet means everything. Just like missing someone is the sweetest pain in the world... Cause you understand the bliss of having that somebody to miss.

My favorite ever Paris hotel, where they blow kisses my way and wish me welcome home when I enter... Dinner at my local restaurant  where they remember which music I love...

 A long call from my special someone.

Life is beautiful.

[caption id="attachment_15043" align="aligncenter" width="640"]109_946348242103258_1396641375981140041_n Dinner at the "library room", Quartier Latin[/caption]
