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~* My child of divorce *~

I just called my youngest son in France.

Me: "How are you my sweetie?"

Him: "But what's going on with you Maman???"

Me: "I'm fine of course, just wanted to hear how you're feeling..."

Him: "If everything's okay with you Maman, then everything is okay with me."

(Jos sulla on kaikki hyvin äiti niin sitten mullakin on.)

He is nine years old.

Every parent - well, every sensible human being - knows what's so deeply wrong about this conversation.

[caption id="attachment_15562" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0142 Nothing beats exploring with my wise little man.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_15563" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0143 Meat eating plant! Yeahhhhhh![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_15564" align="aligncenter" width="397"]DSC_0144 "Come this way Maman, I'll show you where to step..."[/caption]

My baby, grown too big too soon.


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