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~* All bubbly *~

My yesterday started out with most serious intentions. And then turned all bubbly. Between a doctor's appointment and not only one, but two gym classes reserved, I had a free moment to sit down in the sun and read a little Hemingway (seriously - sophisticating the mind and working the butt was the plan). When past strutted the lovely Sissi with Heidi InWonderland, and hijacked me along. Mmmmmm it turned out to be one of those joyous carefree warm summerdays (nights) when everything is possible... Even taking off for Tallinn, for another lovely fashion show, this Friday... Before the night was over, invitations were arranged, our trip & hotel rooms booked. Luckily, we stopped short at reserving the helicopter... Which for a moment seemed like an intelligent financial move. Until we noticed that the price quoted was per person... Hmpf. But in this company, even rowing our way to Tallinn would guarantee a most memorable experience ♥. ~*♥*~

~* Rhapsody in Bloom *~

Today I was invited to another fashion show to Tallinn, by the lovely and magnificently talented Tiina Talumees. Uh, although Tallinn is close, this time it is sadly too far... Luckily I met Tiina at her atelier last week and got a peek of her new collection, so full of color, so vibrant with life. It truly is a Rhapsody in Bloom. Here's a little special something that I've found and loved, from Tiina's earlier collections... In fact, I wore Tiina's silver and lace dress at the Kristina Viirpalu show last week and it was simply perfect for the the roaring 20's theme. It's a small world, after all...♥. ~*♥*~

~* Va-va-voom *~

Welcome to the roaring twenties my dear readers! Let me spoil you ...with Kristina Viirpalu's s/s 2012 collection, which I absolutely love. In the heart of Tallinn's Old Town the Iida House, a beautiful old four-store building, was very much alive and swinging to the sweetest coolest jazz, underground bars, and of course, that Charleston. [caption id="attachment_8920" align="aligncenter" width="456" caption="Kristina Viirpalu"][/caption] Kristina herself showed us how to do the swing... She used to be a professional dancer. [caption id="attachment_8921" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Poker, anyone?"][/caption] What an evening we had. After days, I'm still speechless. So, the photos can do the talking. A cascade of them. Voilà, Kristina Viirpalu's Joséphine collection, inspired by Joséphine Baker: Very Great Gatsbyesque. Too beautiful. All of it. ~*~ I loved just about every piece of this collection. And the charm and gusto with which it was presented... Purrrrrrfect.

This was the most magical, beautiful, spirited fashion show I've seen in years. So rich an experience it was, that sleep was out of the question. So our little but lively group danced the night('n day) away to champagne, oysters, diamonds, sunglasses, even football at some point... Thank you Kristina Viirpalu, for inviting me to this beautiful experience. I shall remember it for a very long time ♥. ~*♥*~

♫♪♫ It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing...

What an experience was my weekend. Swing dance, live bands, oysters & champagne, secret poker matches, prohibition style... A fashion show beautiful as the Golden Gatsby & spirited like Joséphine Baker. We really got to relive a night  from the roaring 20's... And I shall show you all it's beauty, as soon as I catch my breath. But I'll tell you this right now. I had other blogging engagements  (another fashion show, fashion brunch & designer's second hand sales) lined up for this weekend but I cancelled everything. For I couldn't let anything distract or diminish the sweet high of THIS event. That's how lovely it all was. ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪

~'* swinging fashion défilé, and all that jazz *'~

Tomorrow, I've been invited to a fashion show to Tallinn, Estonia! Best of all, this is a collection by Kristina Viirpalu, one of my favorite designers. There will be 1920s style music and dance as the collection is inspired by Joséphine Baker and that era. I'll be staying in the old town, in a charming hotel that dates back to the 14th century. All the rooms are decorated individually with antique furniture... There's an Italian restaurant and a wine cellar...  A sauna, steam room and a jacuzzi... PurrrRrrrrrrfect. I'll post pictures of all the delicacies that cross my path...♥. And stories of little adventures I might encounter on the way... If I end up swing dancing on the table, I promise you a photo of that! ~*♥*~