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~* Tallinn by Night *~

[caption id="attachment_10598" align="aligncenter" width="367"] Photo Jari Laaksonen, Very Prestige[/caption] ...was dutifully explored by the d'ORO guests. [caption id="attachment_10606" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Fashion editor Nina Nuorivaara, Marika Nöjd (Tallink Silja), Sissi Siiskonen (Press & pr d'Oro), one LadyBohemia; soaked & happy.[/caption] Our night was off to a rocky start though... After the show, it was pouring rain outside. However, we decided to catch a bit of fresh air and walk to dinner... Which, as the restaurant turned out to be somewhere, far, and nobody knew exactly where, prompted a passionate debate amongst our little group over which one of us was MOST made of sugar. My Italian soft rosa silk strappy heels gave Mikael a run for his money but this one he won. I walked, ran and hopped over paddles all the way to the restaurant, cheerfully I might add,  whereas Mikael went on full strike and only joined us after finding a taxi :). We were offered a wonderful fusion dinner at the most sympathetic and atmospheric little restaurant called nAnO, a first ever mixture of Indian and Greek soul food I've tried. Sounds funny, tastes yummy. Our beautiful hostess Beatrice took such good care of us... Her husband even carried my bags to the restaurant! I was very reasonable and sensible throughout our visit, didn't go to the night club, didn't go shopping with the others, got a healthy 10 hours' sleep... Until I came across this black beauty by Kristina Viirpalu. Well you can guess... I really, really wanted to take it home with me. But another lady had reserved it first. I asked her what she thought... And she thought long and hard. Then, everso sweetly, she concluded that as she lives next door from Kristina's, it's easier for her to come across another unique piece that fits perfectly, than for me coming all the way from Finland. So she let me have the dress. And although she laughed, there were a couple of tears in her eyes. Wow, how impressed I've been by the Estonian ladies during this trip... Dear Beatrice, dear Ene, dear Kristina. Thank you for all your hospitality and kindness. These flowers are for you ♥. ~*♥*~

~* Edgy, adventurous, sexy, powerful *~

Yet uncompromisingly feminine as ever. Voilà, Kristina Viirpalu's stunning new collection that we got to celebrate as  guests of Press & Pr d'ORO and Tallink Silja this weekend. [caption id="attachment_10551" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The Queen of the night.
Photo: Delfi[/caption] Our distinguished group of fashionistas included Mikael and Jari... [caption id="attachment_10553" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Note the flower details... Our guys were gentlemen, to the last drop.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10554" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The Wonderful Unique Pipsa Lagus, whom I finally got to really meet. Pipsa who wrote to me at two o'clock the following night that she missed me already. And of course I was awake, missing her too :).
PS. My dress is by Kristina[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10556" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo: Delfi[/caption]

The show was a fusion of modern dance, music and the gorgeous clothes. Bold, even raw at times. In a good way. No pauses between wow factors. The show had Kristina's trademark written all over it.. Cool, rock, sexy vibe. * with that unique touch of romance that I so adore in Kristina's creations. Every piece, handmade. A long knitted dress such as the one above takes a month at the átelje. One magic creation came home with me... They tend to gravitate towards a loving home...I'll try to get a photo of the black beauty soon. And this long dream was brought to Ella Kanninen, directly from the show, by her stylist Pauliina: [caption id="attachment_10571" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo: Iltalehti[/caption] Worn by Ella at MTV 3's Dances with stars just the following day :). [caption id="attachment_10588" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Sissi <3[/caption] We were pampered by all this and more by Sirkka Siiskonen from Press & pr d'ORO... I'll let you in on a few more of our adventures a little later... But a lady's gotta sleep too...Even yesterday I opted the jazz night club where Kristina had invited us to a gooooood long night's sleep ♥. Ah. ~*♥*~

~* coming right up... *~

Ladies and gentlemen! Coming up, a fashion extravaganza á la Kristina Viirpalu... A combination of modern dance, cool & rockin' dresses, not to mention some absolutely legendary anecdotes on wardrobe malfunctions, Mikael's very own diet tips, bridezillas...   During this trip I've laughed so much that my stomach is still aching. * [caption id="attachment_10537" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Queen Kristina <3
Photo: Delfi[/caption] Stay tuned my friends, as Kristina's collection is so worth it... ~*♥*~

~* an evening of music, fashion defilé & ballet *~

What more could a self-confessed romantic, engaged in a love affair with all things beautiful ask for... You see, I was invited to an event where a rather legendary Finnish boutique Ajatar, specialized in luxury coats, celebrated her 60 years in business. With a superb performance by two dancers from the National Ballet, a very cool fashion show, a live concert.. Quite an exquisite evening. I'll let the pictures speak. [caption id="attachment_10349" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Prima Ballerina Minna Tervamäki, from the Finnish National Ballet[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10350" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Niina Kurkinen, model and owner of the coolest shoe shop in Helsinki. Nina's. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10352" align="aligncenter" width="500"] No further presentation needed I presume... Personally, I'm green with envy.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10356" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Sirpa Kajo, Pipsa Lagus, Ilkka Ruotsalainen, Hannele Herttua. Guests who bring spirit and spunk to any party they attend :). Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10358" align="aligncenter" width="386"] The ever gorgeous Niina Kurkinen again.
I want those burgundy stockings!!!![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_10359" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Host of our evening, Saimi Hoyer, remembering past encounters, adventures and mishaps with Ajatar with Niina.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Jukka Rintala also lifted a toast to our hostess, Sari Ihatsu. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10364" align="aligncenter" width="383"] Sari Ihatsu, queen of the evening.
With a warm welcoming word for everyone.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10361" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Ok, this is then the Princess of the evening. The always enchanting Heli Kajo.[/caption] Then the Grande Finale. Performed by dancers Kare Länsivuori and Minna Tervamäki. With such intensity;  of separation, despair, caress. After their dance I simply had to leave the crowd, to protect that feeling they brought to life somewhere deep my heart. And it carried me all the way home, as I wandered through the rainy stormy streets of Helsinki. Thank you for this evening ♥. Thank you Sari, thank you Sissi, thank you all you wonderful artists. And me then... As usual, I walked home with both feet firmly off the ground. ~*♥*~