LadyBohemia — Heli Kajo RSS

~* an evening of music, fashion defilé & ballet *~

What more could a self-confessed romantic, engaged in a love affair with all things beautiful ask for... You see, I was invited to an event where a rather legendary Finnish boutique Ajatar, specialized in luxury coats, celebrated her 60 years in business. With a superb performance by two dancers from the National Ballet, a very cool fashion show, a live concert.. Quite an exquisite evening. I'll let the pictures speak. [caption id="attachment_10349" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Prima Ballerina Minna Tervamäki, from the Finnish National Ballet[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10350" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Niina Kurkinen, model and owner of the coolest shoe shop in Helsinki. Nina's. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10352" align="aligncenter" width="500"] No further presentation needed I presume... Personally, I'm green with envy.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10356" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Sirpa Kajo, Pipsa Lagus, Ilkka Ruotsalainen, Hannele Herttua. Guests who bring spirit and spunk to any party they attend :). Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10358" align="aligncenter" width="386"] The ever gorgeous Niina Kurkinen again.
I want those burgundy stockings!!!![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_10359" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Host of our evening, Saimi Hoyer, remembering past encounters, adventures and mishaps with Ajatar with Niina.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Jukka Rintala also lifted a toast to our hostess, Sari Ihatsu. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10364" align="aligncenter" width="383"] Sari Ihatsu, queen of the evening.
With a warm welcoming word for everyone.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10361" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Ok, this is then the Princess of the evening. The always enchanting Heli Kajo.[/caption] Then the Grande Finale. Performed by dancers Kare Länsivuori and Minna Tervamäki. With such intensity;  of separation, despair, caress. After their dance I simply had to leave the crowd, to protect that feeling they brought to life somewhere deep my heart. And it carried me all the way home, as I wandered through the rainy stormy streets of Helsinki. Thank you for this evening ♥. Thank you Sari, thank you Sissi, thank you all you wonderful artists. And me then... As usual, I walked home with both feet firmly off the ground. ~*♥*~

~* a rare songbird *~

Yesterday I was invited to an event where ballerinas soared sky high, fashion models strutted their stuff - and gorgeous clothes - and songbird Heli Kajo belted her heart out. I actually had the opportunity to meet Heli in person... Wow. After all those months of summer in France, when her songs filled my car where ever I went, that was A MOMENT for me. Me, I was nervous, she even nicer, funnier, sweeter, cooler and so much more elegant than I could have  imagined. And after, she sang straight to my heart. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the ballerinas who danced their way to the core of my being... But as of today, the little heart is full. ~*♥*~

~* Butterflying around and about *~

I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not, but many people have nicknamed me Butterfly. Strangely, it's mostly men, starting with my father when I was little. I've been written Butterfly inspired poems that made me cry,  it's been engraved into jewellery given to me. Most fitting, in my opinion, is Serge's habit of using Butterfly as a verb in my regard. "Have you done something useful today, or just butterflied around?" Of course most often, I've just butterflied...

Most beautiful of all Butterfly themed tributes however, is this song by Heli Kajo. I've listened to it a hundred times tonight already... and just can't stop. ~*♥*~

~* ...jos mä oisin tyttö vailla murheita ja huolia... *~

Again last Sunday I was the last, the very last person to make it to our little picnic... In explanation - not excuse - I can only say that I was stuck at home,  captivated and playing this song by Heli Kajo on repeat. Eventually, I did drag my butt - and my laptop - to Kaivopuisto in an attempt to seduce / torture everybody with my latest musical addiction, but that ended rather typically. In silent treatment by my laptop. I'm telling you, sometimes my pc and I resemble an old married couple who just don't communicate. But I don't give up. Voilà, the divine Heli Kajo. Listen - and you'll understand why I couldn't get out the door.

"Kun mennään tanssimaan kaduilla huudetaan näettekö tätä on rakkaus" ~*♥*~