LadyBohemia — Saimi Hoyer RSS

~* an evening of music, fashion defilé & ballet *~

What more could a self-confessed romantic, engaged in a love affair with all things beautiful ask for... You see, I was invited to an event where a rather legendary Finnish boutique Ajatar, specialized in luxury coats, celebrated her 60 years in business. With a superb performance by two dancers from the National Ballet, a very cool fashion show, a live concert.. Quite an exquisite evening. I'll let the pictures speak. [caption id="attachment_10349" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Prima Ballerina Minna Tervamäki, from the Finnish National Ballet[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10350" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Niina Kurkinen, model and owner of the coolest shoe shop in Helsinki. Nina's. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10352" align="aligncenter" width="500"] No further presentation needed I presume... Personally, I'm green with envy.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10356" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Sirpa Kajo, Pipsa Lagus, Ilkka Ruotsalainen, Hannele Herttua. Guests who bring spirit and spunk to any party they attend :). Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10358" align="aligncenter" width="386"] The ever gorgeous Niina Kurkinen again.
I want those burgundy stockings!!!![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_10359" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Host of our evening, Saimi Hoyer, remembering past encounters, adventures and mishaps with Ajatar with Niina.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Jukka Rintala also lifted a toast to our hostess, Sari Ihatsu. Photo: Ajatar.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10364" align="aligncenter" width="383"] Sari Ihatsu, queen of the evening.
With a warm welcoming word for everyone.[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10361" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Ok, this is then the Princess of the evening. The always enchanting Heli Kajo.[/caption] Then the Grande Finale. Performed by dancers Kare Länsivuori and Minna Tervamäki. With such intensity;  of separation, despair, caress. After their dance I simply had to leave the crowd, to protect that feeling they brought to life somewhere deep my heart. And it carried me all the way home, as I wandered through the rainy stormy streets of Helsinki. Thank you for this evening ♥. Thank you Sari, thank you Sissi, thank you all you wonderful artists. And me then... As usual, I walked home with both feet firmly off the ground. ~*♥*~