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~* Liberty London *~

An absolute must, Liberty is the oldest department store in London, one that I shamefully discovered only 25 years after my first visit to London. Packed with old-school charm and character, an antique jewellery collection, wooden floorboards, rare fragrances, flowers, royally gorgeous stationary, divine vintage boutiques (yes, several!), original staircases dating some 100 years back... If a department store can have soul, Liberty's is the one. IMG_4339 I instantly fell in love with this beautifully beaded 1920's Charleston dress... An original piece, yet in such pristine condition that you could just hop dancing on tables wearing it... Immediately after, I found myself unfaithfully drawn to this spring green emerald vintage Valentino gown... Luckily, it wasn't my color as it wasn't quite my budget either. IMG_4324Swooooooon. IMG_4322A summer garden party, anyone? IMG_4323My little stroll in the vintage boutiques got worse and worse - well better and better actually. I could just see myself strutting towards the beach somewhere in the South of France next summer in these soft, comfortable, pretty little kitten heels below... Stopping for a glass of rosé on the way perhaps... Grrrrrrr. Again, it was budgetary matters that separated me and these rosa sandals from our summer romance. IMG_4326* IMG_4329I've always wanted a bedside table made of old suitcases piled on top of each other. This one would have been perfect on my bedside... Packed with all those books on my to-be-read list, waiting for bedtime... IMG_4331And... For the Modern Vintage Bride. What a wow factor just shoes and gloves can create. This one's not for me, but perfect for somebody. IMG_4332So, my dear readers, next time when in London, don't make the mistake of missing Liberty's. If you're even a little bit of a fool for rare beauties with character, it's guaranteed to make you swoon too. Kisses from your very own LadyBohemia ~*♥*~

~* Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle *~

This one is pure girly stuff... IMG_4119 My darling friend Oona Elena Kassila flew all the way from Barcelona to Helsinki for the last fitting of the Bohemian Princess Rose Cradle Dress I had requested her to design for me. The following day the dress flew to London to attend the London Fashion Week... AND got photographed by Vogue, among other adventures... IMG_3924 Dear readers, welcome to the making of my most beautiful dress, ever: IMG_4013 * IMG_4022* IMG_3928Mmmmmmm.... Some refreshments were required and shall I say earned, with all those sleepless nights spent while making this dress divine... IMG_4042Oona worked on the dress for 80 hours, before she stopped counting... Every single silver chain, each pearl, every bit of vintage lace is personally sourced and chosen with love and care, then the dress itself... Handmade in Heaven. IMG_4054Oona's artwork. She rocks my world and you can see why. IMG_4079* IMG_4080* IMG_4083I can not tell you how much it means to me, how fortunate I feel,  to have been involved in such creative and artistic process - not to mention how much fun we had - but maybe these photos tell their story more poignantly than I could.. IMG_4103* IMG_3923 xDetails details... This dress is filled with secret details all around. IMG_4065* IMG_4077Luxury dupino silk, French velvet in brocade as the slip... Too beautiful and absolutely unique. If you're into treasures and wonder, Oona's clothing and her partner Mo's jewellery can be found at Moonalia etsy shop. IMG_4046*IMG_4099* IMG_4095* IMG_4101Life. It can't possibly get more Rita Hayworthesque than this... IMG_4120 xAnd.... Swoooooooooooooooosh! All photos by the one and only, Pipsa Lagus ♥. ~*♥*~

~* LadyBohemia InWonderland *~

[caption id="attachment_12173" align="aligncenter" width="390"]photo blogikoko Sara Kietzmann was also photographing the FreshEst exhibition and happened to capture me in full swing. Thank you Sara![/caption] Finally, I'm back! I'm so sorry for not having kept you posted on my London experiences. There are so many photos, so many stories to share... But you see. The wi-fi at the hotel didn't work. And sometimes a girl is just too busy living her adventure, as opposed to tracking down netcafes to write about it. But here I am, back in my own bed, wrapped in my down feather duvet, with my LadyBohemia PC on my lap. Where to begin... Yes. With this photo from Kristina Viirpalu and FreshEst's award winning exhibition at Horse's Head in Soho. It was our first night in London. And I was soooooo happy, so much in my element, that I was flying. ~*♥*~

~* Designers, Godmothers & Business Angels *~

February is hugely busy month for a blogger... There are photoshoots, fashion shows, discussions with magazines, fittings with designers, advertising and media agencies... A launch of something mindblowingly beautiful, yet very hush-hush, in the cards... And of course, the main event of the season; the London Fashion Week. But don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm loving every second of it. IMG_3730Yesterday, it was brainstorming at Godmother advertising with Godmother extraordinaire, Annika Di-Chiara, and the lady with magic on her fingertips; designer and artist Oona Elena Kassila. IMG_3816x* IMG_3780We got even Lele thingking... IMG_3784_1The creative process absolutely requires cupcakes. IMG_3802* IMG_3778With a happy full tummy, the ideas just swing & fly... IMG_3818 Barcelona Ateljé! Workshops! Goddess Dresses! The magic of Oona and Mo. IMG_3706The question of the day was: "What is your dream?" Once that's crystal clear, the rest will come. Sometimes through nights of no sleep, tears, self-doubt, even moments of despair. But it will come. [caption id="attachment_12127" align="aligncenter" width="316"]IMG_3858 And these boots... They're made for walking.[/caption] Ready. Steady. And then Darling; Go. Fly High ♥. ~*♥*~