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~* word *~

409763_10151260472878141_449207750_n I've been having some serious trouble sleeping recently... This morning at 4.00 am my head was again on overdrive, making lists of stuff to be done, more lists of things I haven't done on time and then some lists of past events where I've failed more or less miserably. UhHuh. There's something about that 4 o'clock am that's especially ruthless... It finds a little insomniac particularly exhausted and alone, all defenses down. So. It's time to arm oneself with a hot Bikram class so intense that it'll clear away every last thought, even from the most stubborn of heads. And here's a word for my today. Today I will live it. Promise.  ~*♥*~

~* a little bit of warmth *~

is what brought this year to an end when my son and I had an opportunity to see, feel and experience the "Vain elämää" concert yesterday. Really it was... like being wrapped up in the soft warmth of a Provençal sunset. 7D_7044 A Novemberlike weather, windy freezing rain chased us inside to Barona Areena, running across icy water paddles, hand in hand. But inside it was sunshine - like Erin called Cheek - waiting for us. Those melodies, that charisma, the rollercoaster of emotions. Little stories from real life. That had carried us through this year's autumness. 7D_7047 And say what you want, HS, we loved everything. It is good to know, that thanks to his artist friends, from now on even Cheek can sleep (or perform his Tibetan rites) in a sleeping bag. A Brand New Prada one, as LV apparently draw their line at hiking gear :) . 7D_7095 Till next year, my Dear Friends. Remember, all we can do is leave our very own footprints on the sand. Take care of yourselves and each other ♥. Much love, LadyBohemia ♥ ~*♥*~

~* one day I found a magic forest *~

Have you already shifted your sights to the new year? I started tonight. Wondering, dreaming away about things I would like to do, to experience, to achieve, to feel... I have a plan you see. For a moment, I'll let my thoughts fly free, then I'll ask them to stop butterflying around my head. Take a good look at those unclear unspecified dreams. And then make a plan, draw a picture, of just how I could achieve them in this very real life. Once, for a period of a year, I had a kind of life/career coach. Who made me realize just how many mountains in my life I could climb, if I only had the patience and understanding to do it step by step. [caption id="attachment_11717" align="aligncenter" width="400"]7D_6456 Hiking in Provence, summer 2012. Photo Albert Mäkelä.[/caption] When I met her, I had an unspecified dream, of starting a blog. No name for it, no concept, no schedule... And without her LadyBohemia would still be a freeflying thought in the la-la-land of my mind. Step by step. I'll choose my mountains, then conquer the ones I love the most. Which will your mountains be for 2013? ~*♥*~