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~* counting my blessings *~

Tonight sleep won't come. But I don't mind anything else, as I have two little ones who are safe and sound right in the next room, faraway in dreamland. IMG_2490 And I lay here looking a these pictures. The large one is 4-5 years old, my all time favorite. I remember how happy we all were when it was taken. And the little silver frame... A photo taken seven years ago, at the baptizing of my baby son. He was a little frightened and I was comforting him... A picture that so perfectly captures the closeness of mother and child, that I can still feel his weight in my arms, his breathing on my neck. Our house was lit by candles - and nothing else but candles everywhere. The music was soft and sweet, everyone we loved was there. And here I am, unable to shake the memories of these pictures. Counting my blessings. ~*♥*~

~* little boy lost *~

All I want for Christmas this year... Is for this 8-year boy to be found. He's out there somewhere and it's so cold. My own boy is just one year younger and I bring him socks and covers every morning when he sits on the sofa watching his cartoons. Our house is a bit chilly you see. Can't imagine how it's possible to breathe if your child is out there. Alone. When reading the news hurts even those of us who have never even met him. Please, pretty please. Bring him home safe. Then Christmas can come. ~*♥*~

~* Tonight on the radio... *~

I'm being interviewed on radio Dei tonight (on program titled Elämänkoulu) on really important issues; a childhood spent  bullied and outcast, scars of soul, healing and forgiveness... survival. Here's a little teaser, the full program will air tonight at  21.35, with reruns Saturday 22.12 at 18 – 19, midnight rerun  23.12 klo 02 – 03 Pls click once on the link, then another time another link that follows... I'm so very gifted with technology.. Elämänkoulu-teaser IMG_2867 ~**~