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When your child writes a poem that heals all your wounds

Äiti on kejukainen
Hän on tosi tosi kiltti
Hän on kaunis
Hänen iho on pehmeä
Hänen vatteensa ovat tosi hienot
Hänelle on tosi kiva tehdä halleja ja eskimo pusuja
Hänellä on kauniit silmät
Hän tekee tosi hyvää ruokaa
Hänen kanssa on tosi kiva olla
Hän näyttää aina kauniilta jopa aamuisin ja iltaisin ja öisin
Hänen kansa on kiva myyräillä
Hän kirjoittaa kauniisti
Hänen koti on tosi kotoisa
Hänen kanssa on kiva nukkua
Hän puhuu aika hyvin ranskaa
Hän on paras äiti ikinä
Tämän kaiken näkee ilmiselvästi
T Luca


  • Kaisu Haumont

    Dear Susan, I’ll try but I don’t possess the innocent beauty of a child’s words… So my son, 11, noticed I was feeling sad and started writing. This is who you are, he said. In some 5 minutes he had tried to touch on all topics he thinks might bring me down…
    Something like this, only so much sweeter in his own words;
    My mother is a fairy
    She is really really kind
    She is beautiful
    Her skin is soft
    Her clothes are wonderful
    It is the nicest thing to give her hugs and eskimo kisses
    Her eyes are beautiful
    She cooks really good food
    It is so nice to be with her
    She always looks beautiful, even in the evenings and nights and mornings
    It’s great to play moles with her (our own game)
    Her writing is beautiful
    Her home is so cosy
    It feels good to sleep with her
    She speaks pretty good French
    She is the best mother ever
    Everybody can see all this

    …As a background; somebody had made a comment on my clothes in the lines of ‘who does she think she is’… That day I was so tired that our dinner was simple pesto pasta… My cosy home was in state of chaos… I couldn’t sleep very well so Luca came to sleep next to me and kept pulling the covers on me at night and hugging me… And my French – well my sons have been correcting it since they were about two. I’m surprised he didn’t write anything about my math as he’s been correcting that for years already also ;). In this photo I am actually looking at him goofing around and I see the love I felt in that moment shining through in my eyes – I know he feels it too and that to him makes my eyes beautiful. And he’d heard some negative comments about me so he concluded all his points should be self evident to everybody.
    My baby, my soldier, my love, my protector. He really covered all the bases <3. I feel I have no business being sad pretty much ever again <3.

  • Susan

    Dearest Kaisu, would love if you could translate into English your magical poem from Luca…if you have time….

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