LadyBohemia — Voice of Finland RSS

~* Behind the scenes - the Voice of Finland *~

IMG_8386Last Friday, my friends and I got to witness the last rehearsals of the Grande Finale of the Voice of Finland. Soooooo interesting... IMG_8398 All the songs were performed to the empty Logomo, with just the judges and tv crew watching. IMG_8441Last minute interviews, last minute tips. IMG_8457 * IMG_8416Mysteriet ♥. IMG_8444Last look at the notes, then ready, steady, go! I love experiencing the behind the scenes action of events I cover for LadyBohemia; it gives a totally different angle to the actual show. There's so much liveliness, blunders, laughter, mishaps that never make it to television. But I love knowing what goes into the making of a perfect show :). ~*♥*~

~* Road trip *~

Tomorrow is going to be a Thelma & Louise experience for me - we're taking the car and heading to Turku to watch the finals of the Voice of Finland competition. Even more than that, I look forward to following the last rehearsals... We've been invited to Logomo to watch some behind the scenes action. Hmmmm that'll be an interesting day...


And furthermore, Justin Bieber with his Bieber fever has arrived in Helsinki, traffic is at a standstill and hysterical teenage girls are chanting "Justin come out" in the center so loud we can almost hear it at home... It's time to leave town. ~*♥*~

~* a very special mother/son day *~

...was spent yesterday at the recordings of the new Voice of Finland season. [caption id="attachment_10932" align="aligncenter" width="320"] There is the cutest photo in the world of my son in That Chair but as I don't post recognizable photos of children on the net you're stuck with me... Sorry![/caption] My son and I always watched the show together so it was a really sweet opportunity to see and feel all the excitement firsthand, together. My son is a little bit shy by nature - and the situation rather overwhelming - so he didn't quite dare to go and speak to his idols. Just being a few meters away from Lauri Tähkä, whose songs he always belts out to me, was a real adventure for him. And interesting it was, really. A lot of banter between the judges for the best singers, behind the scenes jokes, proposed wrestling matches... The coaches took so much time to talk to their fans in the audience, to boost the spirits of the viewers, sign autographs, pose for fan photos... I think they did their best to make the full audience feel welcome. What touched me is that the whole show, the making of it as well as what you see on tv, is made with a warm and kind spirit. Whereas I deeply resent all those reality shows where people are ridiculed and put down and the more they collapse in front of their judges (and at worst, these are young kids), the better tv it makes. I'd never take my son to watch something like that in the making. This show really is different. The praise is genuine, criticism given constructively and softly, the age of the contestant considered. The young ones not chosen were told not to feel down, their time will come... There was one song that especially brought shivers down my spine... I suppose we're not allowed to say much, but something by Queen will definitely rock you next spring. And one more thing simply must be mentioned... Paula Koivuniemi's shoes. Just wait till you see the shine of those crystals - they too will rock you ladies, this I can promise :) . I do believe there's nobody else in this country who could pull off those shoes but her. And last but not least, I found an old friend there... Anitta and I used to work together at Save the Children for 5-6 years but after that period children, work, life... just happened, so much so that we didn't manage to meet even once. Until yesterday, when I found her there, working for the campaign for the show at Nelonen.. What a warm feeling. Even her son, after so many years, remembered me! So happy to see how many of your dreams have come true my friend ♥. ~*♥*~