LadyBohemia — Michael Monroe RSS

~* Behind the scenes - the Voice of Finland *~

IMG_8386Last Friday, my friends and I got to witness the last rehearsals of the Grande Finale of the Voice of Finland. Soooooo interesting... IMG_8398 All the songs were performed to the empty Logomo, with just the judges and tv crew watching. IMG_8441Last minute interviews, last minute tips. IMG_8457 * IMG_8416Mysteriet ♥. IMG_8444Last look at the notes, then ready, steady, go! I love experiencing the behind the scenes action of events I cover for LadyBohemia; it gives a totally different angle to the actual show. There's so much liveliness, blunders, laughter, mishaps that never make it to television. But I love knowing what goes into the making of a perfect show :). ~*♥*~