LadyBohemia — Inspiration RSS

~* Road Trip Africa *~

...strange yet true association I have with this song I stumbled upon:

When I was 6, and we lived in Zambia, we toured quite a bit of Eastern Africa. By car, with no air conditioning. I sure got to understand, at grassroot level, what a very large continent Africa is. Bumpy dirt track roads, neverending distances, relentless heat and 14-hour daily trips with no stops meant that some amusement had to be created for the 3- and 6-year old girls in the car. Luckily (as we didn't have a cassette player in the car) my dad was a great singer. Karhunpoika sairastaa, Mikki Hiiri merihädässä, Rosvo-Roope, Pieni tytön tylleröinen, Ihme ja Kumma... With his spirited renditions of his own childhood classics he somehow managed to keep us entertained for hours on end. I still know the full production of Georg Malmstén by heart. This chorus, that my dad sang to me sooooo often as a lullaby, has followed me all my life. Strangely, especially at times of sorrow, I return to it and find some comfort. Sorry dear foreign readers, I wouldn't dream of translating these lyrics as I could never capture the childhood innocence implied with mere words. "Maailmassa monta On ihmeellistä asiaa, Se hämmästyttää, kummastuttaa Pientä kulkijaa" The song embedded, Hopeinen kuu / Silver Moon by Olavi Virta was my father's own all-time favorite. We used to have horrible taste with my sister, as we'd loudly protest in favor of children's rallies whenever he belted out this tango... Now that I heard it again, after decades, it brought an incredible storm of nostalgia to my heart. Ei tulla koskaan, voi tällaista iltaa... Oih. ~*♥*~

~* The "how to" of lace *~

As summer and little dress season is approaching, I've gathered some ideas on how to add some ooompf to your favorite lacy pieces. Things such as a cool turquoise pendant. Softest leather bag. Signature vintage ring. Those skinny jeans. Like so (from the photo archives of Unjung Jun): Hmmm... what a combo of leather and torn fishnet -look stockings: You can accessorize your lacy dress with a handsome beau, and a coy smile... Or maybe you'd prefer a cool hat and a good book instead: And of course denim works, always. Or quite simply, with just a little bit of skin: MmmmmmMmm... I think it's time to dig out my little summer dresses from their winter hideaways. ~*♥*~

~* Wise Elephants *~

A Monday when one wakes up to snow and slit - body in April, mind in spring - deserves something especially sweet. And something so sweet indeed, downright humbling, has been captured in these pictures... When I stumbled upon them on fb I got lost in their peaceful and pristine world for a long time. And at lest my day felt instantly a little bit better. ~*~ So, with these pictures I wish you LOVE to your Monday. ..~* Kisses from LadyBohemia *~.. ~*♥*~

~* Little things wonderful *~

I've collected some personal favorites of mine here for you... A sweeeeet bohemian piece of ankle jewellery. I just love this; will try to find someone to make one for me...

20's inspired dress, sultry 'n sweet A beautiful piece of vintage jewellery...Ah.

Pearls, carried with attitude... Like so.

MmmmmMmmm... a bandanna for flowy wavy summer hair... My inspiration for today came from these little touches, found from here & there and everywhere... Hope they bring a little dance into yours steps this Monday...♥ ~*♥*~