LadyBohemia — friendship RSS

Celebrating life and love

My friends arranged an event at LadyBohemia. To invite everybody who had loved Kalle and me, to celebrate his endless joy of life. Also, to help me keep going with this labor of love of mine LadyBohemia, at a moment when I am not able to, but have to, keep on working. They did it all, arranged everything, invited people, told everybody it wasn't even sure I would be able to show up. But they were prepared to handle all. Serafiina Sainio, Annika di Chiara, Bhakti Kulmala, my mother, Ria for photographing.... Pike Holmström. Kira Lahdenperä for the flowers, for keeping the shop open when I was, let's say, not presentable for any client. I will never forget what you have done for me. Not one smile, not one shared tear. In my deepest hour of need, I truly was not alone. [caption id="attachment_15826" align="aligncenter" width="864"]Bhakti ja Serafiina Serafiina Sainio and Bhakti Kulmala <3[/caption] We had the best of evenings, ever. In the invitation I'd promised you can all laugh, you can cry, all rules are out the window at this point. So, so many people came, bringing their loving messages and kind words for Kalle and their best wishes for my future without him. I am touched beyond words.   Tragedy often brings out the best, absolutely most beautiful qualities in people. Unfortunately also in reverse. But this evening was about the goodness, the kindness, the compassion of human spirit. Even total strangers came, they had heard about my loss and just wanted to help any way they could. I have no words, really. [caption id="attachment_15830" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Pike Holmström & Annika di Chiara[/caption] For example, a doctor I'd never met came by saying should I or my children ever need help or crisis therapy, she would take us in anytime, without charge. She left me her email. Then she bought something to support our livelihood, and after a couple of hours came back with her business card, with her personal phone number. I could call anytime. My little but very dear friend Kris, the age of my children, came to give me a hug and tell me just how sorry he was for my loss. So many encounters, so much love. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. kukat  

~* Haywire *~

When absolutely everything has gone haywire. When you find yourself tangled up & tumbling down. This photo was taken when I was most lost and alone. And my friend Hanna-Maria, in the picture, and her husband Albert, made all the difference. 
A moment and a day; kindness, true friendship, tears and laughter. I shall always remember.
To Allu and Hanski. True friendship is so rare, yet with you two, it remains, I am sure, always. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being you, and for having been there during those moments when I most needed you.
This day was one when I'd lost all my strength yet you didn't move one step away from my side.
You made it a happy day.
We got lost on our way to St. Juan les Pins, and accidentally ended up in Antibes, asking from a tourism office 'Where are we actually?'

Sometimes you get lost and found all at the same time.


~* on friendship. the real kind *~

If there is one thing in this world that can get me out of bed at seven on a Sunday morning, it's a visit from darling Hanski. Who is in town for... two hours? So, lucky for us, she'll spend those hours with us over breakfast. When such a darling friend lives countries away, one must grab every littlest opportunity to catch up. There's so much to tell... And to listen to, I'm sure. See you in five hours dearest ♥. ~*♥*~

~* a time to say thank you *~

Today, a dear friend sent me this poem that had made her think about me. So perfect it brought tears to my eyes. I wish she only knew how poignant was her timing. "En toivo sinulle, että olisit "vapaa" vailla ihmisiä yksin kaukana aavassa maassa jossa on tilaa. Vaikka joskus saattaisit sellaista kaivatakin. Toivon sinulle ystäviä, avuliaita, häiritseviä, niitä joita tarvitset tai jotka tarvitsevat sinua. Toivon sinun löytävän kiinnekohtia kuin muratti lujasta rungosta, että saat voimaa olla runko niille, joita sinun on kannettava." - Jörg Zink I'm sorry for not being competent enough to translate poetry.. Saara, I know you'll read this one day.. Thank you. For understanding. For everything. For your shoulder. On which last weekend, once again, I got to cry my sorrows. This one's for you and Kalevi. And if ever YOU should need a friend please give me the honor of being the shoulder you can lean on. ~*♥*~

*~ little big victories ~*

Haha! I'm still standing but the mess in my bedroom is no more. Feeling like so... [caption id="attachment_7869" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo from the net, by somebody very talented"][/caption] PS. Everything nice, clean and fresh that happens in this household, I owe to my darling friend. Who came over (with chocolate!), tidied, cleaned and folded stuff that I've been too exhausted to do for almost a year. After she was done with everything else, she still - get this! - ironed my bed sheets. Nobody has been this sweet to me... And words do not describe how sweet it is to sleep in those sheets. My friend and I have gone through thick and thin - and every possible and impossible obstacle in addition - together. And thanks to her, even I'm starting to feel that we'll get through this one too. If and when you read this, I just wanna say. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you. Thank you. Love you. ~*♥*~