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~* Haywire *~

When absolutely everything has gone haywire. When you find yourself tangled up & tumbling down. This photo was taken when I was most lost and alone. And my friend Hanna-Maria, in the picture, and her husband Albert, made all the difference. 
A moment and a day; kindness, true friendship, tears and laughter. I shall always remember.
To Allu and Hanski. True friendship is so rare, yet with you two, it remains, I am sure, always. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being you, and for having been there during those moments when I most needed you.
This day was one when I'd lost all my strength yet you didn't move one step away from my side.
You made it a happy day.
We got lost on our way to St. Juan les Pins, and accidentally ended up in Antibes, asking from a tourism office 'Where are we actually?'

Sometimes you get lost and found all at the same time.



  • Marie

    Wonderful, poignant moment captured here……

    Thinking of you,


  • Hanski :)

    We’ll remember the day too!! And thank to Allu there is also a lot of those lovely photos helping to remember… I have to admit that the surroundings were so great that I really need those photos to find all the small details but also just to get and remember the “big picture”.

  • LadyBohemia

    You always find the kindnest things to say Marie. Thank you for being threre ♥.

  • LadyBohemia


    Your man is not only the nicest person, but also the best photographer!!! I can not thank him enough for the moments he not only shared with you and me, but also captured ♥.

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