~* counting my blessings *~
Tonight sleep won't come.
But I don't mind anything else, as I have two little ones who are safe and sound right in the next room, faraway in dreamland.
And I lay here looking a these pictures. The large one is 4-5 years old, my all time favorite. I remember how happy we all were when it was taken.
And the little silver frame... A photo taken seven years ago, at the baptizing of my baby son. He was a little frightened and I was comforting him... A picture that so perfectly captures the closeness of mother and child, that I can still feel his weight in my arms, his breathing on my neck.
Our house was lit by candles - and nothing else but candles everywhere. The music was soft and sweet, everyone we loved was there.
And here I am, unable to shake the memories of these pictures. Counting my blessings.
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