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~* Diva extraordinaire *~

Chisu. [caption id="attachment_8716" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photos: Chisu"][/caption] We had tickets to Chisu's concert, in the front row at Savoy theatre, last Sunday. Since then I've been trying to find the words to describe the experience. Well, I'm still speechless but will try to babble away anyways. As so many times before, the lady sang straight to my soul. I've banned her old hit songs Mun koti ei oo täällä (This is not home anymore) or Sama nainen (Woman unchanged) from myself as I can't afford the unending flow of tears that follows. Well, in concert she nailed me with one of them. UhHuhhhh is all I can say. But her spirit, wit and humour made me laugh as much from the heart as flew those tears. Take the song Kriisit (Crisis). You'll have to listen to it, I promise you'll find yourself there... Or Miehistä viis, elegantly translated as Screw men. Perhaps that will ring a bell in you as well...

Then song Muut (We're not like the Others) - ah it's a song of my first love. A love story that I instantly relived right there in the front row of Savoy, like a little water fountain. So. Muut is on the forbidden list now as well. I'm cutting down on tears, at least a little bit... I could go on with stories worth an hour and a half of songs... But  recommend that you go and see (feel) it for yourselves. For it would be a sin to miss the charisma and raw talent of this rare songbird. And me... I'll live on the high of these emotion for a long, long time. Thank you Chisu. You are magic. ~*♥*~

~* One *~

Last week my husband Serge took me to the theatre, to see a play called GAY! at the National Theatre. The piece had been described as anarchistic and revolutionary but to my mind, it held a very familiar message. We're all different, yet equally valuable. Shouldn't that be... arrrr, clear to us all by now? So. The idea of this play and this message as groundbreaking left me feeling a little sad. And a little upset at the world. Humming my favorite U2 tune "One" on our way out helped, though... As U2 always does. ~*♥*~

~* OhLaLaLaLaLa *~

For the most stunning spring/summer dresses have arrived in Hel! To Susanna Penttilä's Boutique Férrer, that it. This little lacydream is made in Paris, of finest Italian lace from the fashion house Salvatore Ferragamo. Look at the form of the lace details on the decolté, and the hemline... I love, love, love it. Color is a really beautiful shade of creamy beige, with just a hint of oldrosa... Perfect on my skin. The only problem with this skirt is that its' a little, öhm, short. In fact, I've never dared to wear anything quite as short as this... Could I pull it off? The little flower petals delicately placed on the hemline are cheering me on...

Hihi... I must say, there aren't many things in this world that make my clothes drop off as fast as the incoming flight of fashion from Paris. Another piece that got my pulse racing was this cool & classy LBD: I'd spotted this Sagaie dress earlier and posted it among my favorites of Sagaie's s/s 2012 line - I loved it already on the catalogue but it is so much more... show-stopping in real life. It's low-cut but so skillfully tailored that it only comes off as elegantly chic... Just look at this gorgeous detail of crystals and rhinestone: These dresses are sold out as Suski only brings individual pieces to her boutique... But maybe you can ask for customorders. PS. Make-up courtesy Armani, dangly pearl earrings custommade by  Fine van Brooklin. ~*♥*~

~* V-day Until the Violence Stops *~

I thought I was rolling with the punches life's thrown on my path more or less okay. Until yesterday. When out of nowhere, I fainted. In the audience of a crowded theatre no less. I was alone so maybe it took some time for people to notice... But when they did all hell broke loose. Ambulance came. I had to go with them. How spectacularly embarrassing. Finally, one of the ambulance guys listened as I told him of some of the hardships I'd faced recently. And that I'd again forgotten to eat and all that. So he was sweet and instead of forcing me to go to the hospital, he escorted me to my train. Wishing me the best of luck. A warm thanks to you, kind stranger. [caption id="attachment_7631" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Just a moment earlier at the theatre... Still standing."][/caption]

 OK. This was a wake-up call, even for me. Life must change. Drastically, and now.

Would you send some good wishes to accompany my path??? I think I could use them. The play was actually fascinating; The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. It's played all around the world on Valentine's day under theme "V-Day Until the Violence Stops". The performances raise awareness and gather money to end violence against women and girls. I feel so incredibly stupid for not having seen it all. [caption id="attachment_7634" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="I'm glad I had time to immortalize a at least some of the performance..."][/caption] But even that doesn't erase the fact that what I did see was deeply moving, inspiring and thought-provoking. Important topic, beautifully delivered. ~*♥*~

~* World'sMostBeautifulNecklace *~

She's made of moonbeams, teardrops, starrrry nights and a touch of angeldust, with a tinyest glimpse of those perfect fleeting shades of of dusk and dawn.

I plan to wear it at Christmas, with my longestlong 1920's softwhite shammy gloves. The rest of the outfit is still... Hmmm... Honestly, I've got no clue and I don't even care. It's perfect already. So delicately delicious was this choker that before even asking, I knew she had to come from Paris. And so delicately delicious she was, that with equal certainty I knew she had to become mine..♥. ~*♥*~