LadyBohemia — V-day until the violence stops RSS

~* V-day Until the Violence Stops *~

I thought I was rolling with the punches life's thrown on my path more or less okay. Until yesterday. When out of nowhere, I fainted. In the audience of a crowded theatre no less. I was alone so maybe it took some time for people to notice... But when they did all hell broke loose. Ambulance came. I had to go with them. How spectacularly embarrassing. Finally, one of the ambulance guys listened as I told him of some of the hardships I'd faced recently. And that I'd again forgotten to eat and all that. So he was sweet and instead of forcing me to go to the hospital, he escorted me to my train. Wishing me the best of luck. A warm thanks to you, kind stranger. [caption id="attachment_7631" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Just a moment earlier at the theatre... Still standing."][/caption]

 OK. This was a wake-up call, even for me. Life must change. Drastically, and now.

Would you send some good wishes to accompany my path??? I think I could use them. The play was actually fascinating; The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. It's played all around the world on Valentine's day under theme "V-Day Until the Violence Stops". The performances raise awareness and gather money to end violence against women and girls. I feel so incredibly stupid for not having seen it all. [caption id="attachment_7634" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="I'm glad I had time to immortalize a at least some of the performance..."][/caption] But even that doesn't erase the fact that what I did see was deeply moving, inspiring and thought-provoking. Important topic, beautifully delivered. ~*♥*~