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Belonging to each other

Kalle and I were going to get married.

That was clear from the word go.  Only after our first phone conversation, lasting almost 5 hours , I thought to myself - you're in so deep now girl. This is THE man. This really is it.

He proposed  for the first time to me so soon I don't even remember.

We wanted to give my children time to get to peacefully know him. So after some half a year I told them this was the man I was going to marry some day. BUT  I told them this was up to their schedule entirely. Kalle and I had decades of time, no rush.

Little did I know.

But in any case, it was decided I would only marry him or we would move in with him when the boys felt completely comfortable with him.

I asked them to take their time and think about it, ask any questions that should come to their minds.

First my oldest, Joel, said he wanted to have a private talk with me. He said he felt it was the right thing for us to marry Kalle as he loved us all so much and he was so incredibly kind always - but under one condition - I'd keep the same last name as the boys. I promised him.

Then my little one wanted to have a conversation. He wanted us to live with Kalle first, then the marriage after. I respected his wish - and felt it was very wise for his age. After the boys' blessings, Kalle bought us a home to live in together.

Then my Luca said a thing that resonated so deeply with my heart. 

'Maman, we really should marry Kalle. Nobody has ever loved us as much as he does.'

I love that he used the word 'we' should marry him <3.

After a couple of days, my older, Joel, had clearly thought about it. He put his arms around me and said 'You know Maman, I think nobody in this world is able to love as much as Kalle does.' 

I didn't have the time to tell Kalle these words. He would so have loved to know this. 

Faith didn't give us the time.

So at his funeral, I told these messages of the children to his coffin.

In the end  it doesn't matter all that much whether he got the 'blessings' of my children before or after his death. I think he knows. 

Whatever it is, we belonged to each other.

At least that one thing nobody can take away from me.





~* Elle Style Awards Gala 2012 *~

Preparations for the annual Elle gala started well on time... My favorite designer, Kristina Viirpalu, before the gala. Rock cool already. Even cooler and rocker, when ready... Kristina was wondering if maybe her dress would be too much for us Finns. Carried with such dancer's elegance - and figure! - no way, say I. Sissi... Flaming curls for the hair, naturals for the face & nails. After a some (red) thread & a needle, everybody was practically ready... [caption id="attachment_10801" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo Pipsa Lagus[/caption] Off we were, to the suites of Kämp Hotel. Time for a glass of champagne, some mood music and dance... [caption id="attachment_10806" align="aligncenter" width="500"] dresses Kristina Viirpalu[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_10833" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Last minute stitch...[/caption]


At Kämp were also Pipsa Lagus (hiding behind the camera), Sirpa Kajo (Sirpa's dress from France, necklace Miu Miu, borrowed from daughter Heli) and of course Sirkka Siiskonen. The primus motor of our adventures.

[caption id="attachment_10824" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Only one pair of these dreamy stockings by Kristina were ever made. But she promised to have another pair made especially for me ♥[/caption] * [caption id="attachment_10807" align="aligncenter" width="500"] I wasn't invited to the gala, but I was invited to join the pre-gala excitement with my friends... Such lovely ladies; such a lovely time we had..
Photo: Pipsa Lagus[/caption] * Red hot Sissi. Pipsa's deep blue dress, adorned by golden beads and a chiffon hemline had been especially made for her. Perfect, such perfect look and fit. And off for the evening everybody! ~*♥*~