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~* inside a Real Fashionista's wardrobe *~

as I mentioned earlier, I had the opportunity to take a peek into the wardrobe of Sari Ihatsu, Managing Director of Ajatar. Wow. I got to choose the most delicious finds of hers, over the years... So here it its, a real treat for you, my dear readers. This long beige dream is made of lamb from Tuscany and decorated, by hand, with coral beads. A slightly bohemian hippy feeling... Love it. Another favorite of mine was this little fur, also of lamb from Tuscany, adorned with beautifully artistic hand-painted decorations.

Adjusting the lighting..I could only drool over this one. It's Italian, with lasercut lace-like details. Too gorgeous.

Into some serious business. A long white mink, with crystal-encrusted buttons and snake skin details (where it looks like stripes - it's snake!). It doesn't get more luxurious than this. Sari, being a rather free spirit and a cool personality, wears her long white mink when shopping for groceries or running  errands... She doesn't like to be stuck in a box of how one is "supposed" to dress but wear her furs where and when she likes. Oftentimes Sari wears her furs such as this sable one with a belt - you have to be quite petitte to pull this look off, but she is. I loved the beautifully decorated silk inside this coat... Even if nobody else sees it, you know it's there. And it makes a difference... Below is Sari's choice from this season's new collection. The color is called Blue Irish, which in my opinion becomes it well.. Ajatar celebrated her 60 years in business all through October - here Sari is getting ready for another champagne reception.

And this jacket I simply must mention - the best seller of this year's collection. I attended the first evening fashion show celebration of Ajatar, and it was this coat that was sold out straight away - ladies just carried them away whilst sipping their champagne. It was also beautifully styled and featured in Gloria magazine:

Worry not ladies, if your heart swoons over this one... They've ordered more at Ajatar :) . At the end of hard day's work Sari took us for a lovely lunch at Torni. Mmmmmm, great food, even greater company. It was lovely to get to know each other a little bit deeper. There were in fact so many things we have in common. And last but not the least, I got the best address of the South of France, for our next visit... A place where Sari and her husband spend every new year. And I'm sorry, I'm sworn into secrecy. Can't tell you what it is.. PS. The last photo shows what Sari always carries with her in her handbag. A little piece of the South of France, in the shape of a heart. ~*♥*~


  • pinkprincessan

  • Hanski :)

    Hehee, hyvin onnistuneita kuvia, hyvä Kaisu!!! :) Ja siis toki hienoja takkejakin. Sattuneesta syystä jännitin kuitenkin enempi näitä kuvia, mutta turhaan!

  • LadyBohemia

    a little faith my friend… ei suinkaan, itsekin olin ihan kipsissä siitä onnistuvatko nämä mutta ihana Sari oli niin hurmaavan tyylikäs malli että pieleen ei voinut mennä, edes minulta :)

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