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*~ The kindness of strangers ~*

When I started my blog it was to write about all things I found beautiful, touching, thought provoking... My own particular self therapy, to every day, for a moment, devote myself to at least one wonderful thing - or a thing that made me wonder.

But I lost sight of wonder.

It was this time last year that I received a message from a stranger at the other end of our planet. She just happened to reach me on one of my darkest days.. So dark that I was unable to even send her a little thank you note. But I held onto her words during the year to come.

 The power of kindness is so profound... It is because of people like her, near and far, that the beauty of this world is emerging in my life again. And finally today, only a year late, I found my words to thanking her. They are much less eloquent that this lady's original message to me.. Here it is, the perfect reminder for me to not miss an opportunity to reach out and say something beautiful, give a smile, a hug... You never know just how much it might mean to the other person.

Hi Kaisu,

I just wanted to say came across your blog online when I was looking for a Wordpress theme. I also have a shop on Etsy and figured I'd reach out just to say that there were a couple of things you wrote about that were very touching. I wanted to tell you that you really have a beautiful way of writing. Its very from the heart and that's kinda rare to find anymore. I also really like your Etsy shop :). Anyway, Im usually pretty reserved and sometimes a little harsh, and writing this to someone I've never met is way out of character( at least it is for me) But I just had to say thank you for having the courage to express yourself in your blog and in the things you surround yourself with. I'm sure there are many people out there who have found you to be a tremendous inspiration. OK, keep up the great work and have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

[caption id="attachment_14851" align="aligncenter" width="400"]tuolilla sivuttain 2 I love this photo as it was my son who took it... So here I am looking at the sweetest presence of kindness in my life <3.[/caption]


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