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~* gently *~

Yesterday was a good day, exercisewise. I was feeling all smug as I did two gym classes by Tarja Runsten, who, I have to say, is simply the best fitness instructor in all of Finland. She works her group until we've all lost the concept of time and place, who we are and where we are coming from. AND most importantly, she makes workouts fun - be it dance, body sculpting, yoga... I have a sure-fire fitness regime. If I can do one of Tarja's classes per day without feeling like I'm gonna die, I am fit. If I survive two classes in a row, I'm superwoman. I've never owned a scale and I don't count calories. I simply drag my booty to Tarja's classes often enough. And afterwards, the feeling is like so: Today I did an easy class of hot yoga. But instead of the workout euphoria expected, I actually started feeling very similar to the day when I fainted at the theatre. The teacher's instructions turned into blurry background noise, I didn't dare to get up as the floor and walls were moving. I couldn't breathe. Then I realised. And felt, if possible, even more stupid. I'd just forgotten to eat. Again. I'd had a rye cracker in the morning and nothing else all day. No wonder I was feeling like a half-drowned kitten who couldn't scoop herself up from the gym floor. Fine, Universe. You win. I'll learn my lesson. My body is trying to tell me something and maybe it's time I listened. I'll start taking it more gently. I'll try to sleep enough (even if I open a good book in the evening). I'll remember to eat. I already eat stuff that's good for me but I'll start doing it regularly. I'll get some fresh air every day. Especially when there's no time for it. I'll hug, kiss and laugh. Every day. After all, there's more to a woman than the shell... Gotta be kind to the soul as well ♥. ~*♥*~

~* It's oh so simple *~

Sometimes. To feel perfectly happy, that is. Just leave all thinking aside. Today, for the first time since I fractured my foot, I was able to go to a dance class. Oh joy. Our brilliant teacher - incredibly vibrant, full of life, energy, laughs - really put herself out there (everytime she dances there's a crowd of admiring men outside glass windows of the dance studio, watching, stunned) made everyone fly across the room, dance their hearts out, shake off all useless worries, all those mundane sorrows. So exstatic I was, so engulfed by a rush of endorphins - that runner's high - that once again I left all my stuff behind at the gym. They are starting to know me as the blonde who tends to forget her gym clothes/towels/shampoos behind whenever the class was good enough. "Mais Madame Haumont, encore?" This was our dose of the '80s today - we actually danced to Flashdance :)

And at the end it was just me against the music... And the smile on my face. ps. hurt my foot a little bit jumping all around but not gonna tell anybody 'cause tomorrow morning I'm gonna do it again... ~*♥*~