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*~ A Love Story, part II ~*

One of my favorite quotes is from a poem by Märta Tikkanen: "Tämä ei kohtaa meitä rakkauden puutteen vaan rakkauden epätoivon tähden" Märta Tikkanen, Vuosisadan rakkaustarina I haven't found an English translation of the book so I apologize in advance for the injustice my shabby translation does to these words, so dear to me... "this doesn't fall upon us for the sparseness of love but for the despair of it" The book is a real-life tale on all-engulfing passion, love, and despair so deep that at the end it overtakes... everything. Not a happy love story, but so real you can taste it. Märta says of husband Henrik, after his death: "I miss him, often. But not even for a moment have I wanted him back." The quote above I can relate to. This latter one, no. I guess I have to live a little more to reach those depths... But to tell you a secret... I hope I never will. ~*♥*~