LadyBohemia — Mariane Pearl RSS

..~* My Heroine *~..

On my nightstand very recently was the book "Mighty Heart", written about the journalist Daniel Pearl by his wife Mariane - a journalist and an author, an optimist, a real-life heroine in her own right. [caption id="attachment_6999" align="aligncenter" width="356" caption="Daniel & Mariane's wedding. Picture from the book the Mighty Heart - the brave life and death of my husband Daniel Pearl."][/caption] And today, the movie of their story will be played at Channel Four (Nelonen), at 21.30. Not captivating as the book is, but nevertheless a story that deserves, no, needs to be told. Do you remember - from the news, some ten years ago? Daniel was Wall Street Journal's foreign correspondent in Pakistan shortly after 9/11. He lived and worked in Karachi with his French, very pregnant wife Mariane. Until Daniel was kidnapped - and later murdered - by terrorists. [caption id="attachment_6995" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="On the left, Daniel. On the right, the man sentenced for his murder."][/caption]

 The book is a captivating, human story of a woman's struggle to find and save her husband and the father of her unborn son. Not the easiest task for a woman in Pakistan, especially in the post 9/11 political climate and frame of mind. Mariane doesn't stop, she doesn't give up. She appeals to the president of Pakistan, to the president of the US, to the public, to the medias. To the powerful ISI (Pakistani intelligence service).  She tries to trace down the kidnappers herself.

So full of life, the strongest of emotions, hope against hope, race against time, is this book. You live every breath that Mariane takes. Her brave attempt to keep herself together, not allowing herself to collapse before her husband is home again, is as envigorating as it is heartbreaking.

It is Mariane's grace and her courage that make this book an uplifting story of true love, despite the inevitable tragedy and loss.

[caption id="attachment_6996" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mariane with her son Adam, who never got to meet his father."][/caption]

One of the reasons why Mariane decided to write the book was to keep the life story of her husband alive for their son. So that little Adam  would know all the reasons he has to be proud of his father. Although they never got too meet each other.

 Trust me my friends, this is a book every human being should read.

Even through tears.
