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~* when I just missed out on Ralph Fiennes *~

I had a tip worth gold by a friend (thanks Lea!) that there was a play featuring no other but Ralph Fiennes, at the Royal Haymarket Theatre at London's West End. Playing Shakespeare (she did specify that it was quite comprehensible for us ordinary folk..), no less! How perfect. IMG_4822 I must say I was rather determined not to miss the opportunity to see the English Patient / Amon Goeth from Schindler's list live and in action... He's one of my all-time favorite actors, one that brings shivers down my spine with every single performance, ever. But the play had just finished. Uh, talk about a letdown. To console myself I decided to go and see a musical instead. The Lion King, at the legendary Lyceum theatre. Well, as everyone says, it was brilliant. Wonderful music, touching storyline, the little boy playing Simba so talented and cute that you want to cry. There was only one drawback I can think of. Ralph Fiennes was not in it. So however unfairly, my heart wasn't in it either. Well, I just managed to teach myself a little lesson. If your heart is set on something, never settle. Anything else always feels less. ~*❤*~