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On Most Sincere Friendship

For my dear, my very dear friend.

I hope you know how irreplaceable you are.
You never asked anything from me but gave my little family everything we needed, no matter the hardship on you. I will never forget how you supported me and my sons when we were in such deep trouble. When so many people turned their backs on us you never have.
Do you remember how many times I have cried on your shoulder and you've told me time and again it'll be okay? My math doesn't know how to count that far.
How many times you have listened to music that heals me although it drives you crazy?
How many times I have dragged you to the seaside as the waves calm me although it all distracts and disturbs you... You stayed there beside me no matter what.
Each time you've taken me and my sons to your beautiful summer cottage so we could just unwind, relax totally and hop between sauna and the sea for hours while you've made crepes for us..
One of the sweetest and funniest things you did was buying me one of those blankets with extra weights on it... Realizing how difficult I find sleeping alone you sweetly thought the weight might help me feel less alone during lonely nights. The kindness of your heart truly is as wide as it is deep. 
You said you would do anything needed to help my sons and you have done just that, far beyond anything reasonable. All us three will always remember what you have done for us, and respect you for who you are.
I don't easily promise forever but after all your sincere affection and devotion towards my little family - my loyalty and friendship towards you are some of those forever things.