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*~ say a little prayer ~*

Yesterday the kids and I flew over to the South.  And today Mamie was taken to hospital for a major surgery. Those of you who have followed my blog for a while will have an idea of just how much I love her. How much my children love her. Here I've been struggling to find words to say. To our brave Mamie. To Papi Jean, who seems lost and utterly paralyzed by the severity of the situation. And I've been dreading the questions I see in the eyes of my sons.  That will be asked. That must be answered honestly. So. It's 5 o'clock in the morning and only  this beautiful old house is keeping me company. Here we are in the darkness, competing over who can sigh the deepest. [caption id="attachment_9689" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Please... Pretty please. I'll do anything. If only tomorrow would be better.[/caption] But I do have one more trick up my sleeve.. Reserved especially for those neverending nights such as this one. I"ll take my pillow and go sleep on the floor of the children's room. Just listening to their breathing pushes the ruthlessness of this world a little farther away ♥. ~*♥*~

~* on friendship. the real kind *~

If there is one thing in this world that can get me out of bed at seven on a Sunday morning, it's a visit from darling Hanski. Who is in town for... two hours? So, lucky for us, she'll spend those hours with us over breakfast. When such a darling friend lives countries away, one must grab every littlest opportunity to catch up. There's so much to tell... And to listen to, I'm sure. See you in five hours dearest ♥. ~*♥*~

~* yesterday *~

...was the sweetest. [caption id="attachment_9537" align="aligncenter" width="472"] I love antique lockets... carrying pictures of my babies close to my heart. These photos are old but very dear to me as the boys are so happy in them ♥[/caption] Starting by the morning, when we slept blissfully late... Had the loveliest wake-up call when my youngest son climbed into bed with me to warm up his toes and have a heart-to-heart conversation, with tickling... And we were in a hurry to go NOWHERE... Things did spice and speed up considerably after that... But remained the sweetest. You see, both my sons had their birthdays last week. So our week has been filled by birthday songs, grandmom visits, family pancake parties (lettukestejä...); all culminating in a major birthday party slash kick-off for the summer for all the kids' friends, at a local underground kid's playground theme park -kind of a place. Already the tram ride from school to the venue was hilarious. Retrospectively. I was alone with such an excited bunch of boys that even the silent & sulky Finns in rush hour traffic sent me smiles and wishes of courage as I struggled not to loose any of the kids.. At Leikkiluola there were 30something kids running all to different directions, searching for interesting & absolutely forbidden stuff to do... Like in a scene from Vaahteranmäen Eemeli (a legendary Finnish children's book), I found my son busy climbing to the top of the playground structure, hanging from an electric cord with his cousins in active pursuit pushing him upwards from his bottom...  Others cheering the rascals on... Then the party guests found holes in the ropes keeping the playground somewhat safe... And crawled into the structures, aiming at the 6-meter rooftop as well... Me crawling after them, pulling at best 8 giggling toddlers out of the damn tube... By the end of the evening my voice was gone. And the rest of me, finished. But great fun was had by all...♥. ..And the party continued at our place, with best friends & cousins. I now have a second-grader and a pre-schooler at home...♥. And a proud mama who needs a week's vacation to recover from all the festivities. ~*♥*~

~* a time to say thank you *~

Today, a dear friend sent me this poem that had made her think about me. So perfect it brought tears to my eyes. I wish she only knew how poignant was her timing. "En toivo sinulle, että olisit "vapaa" vailla ihmisiä yksin kaukana aavassa maassa jossa on tilaa. Vaikka joskus saattaisit sellaista kaivatakin. Toivon sinulle ystäviä, avuliaita, häiritseviä, niitä joita tarvitset tai jotka tarvitsevat sinua. Toivon sinun löytävän kiinnekohtia kuin muratti lujasta rungosta, että saat voimaa olla runko niille, joita sinun on kannettava." - Jörg Zink I'm sorry for not being competent enough to translate poetry.. Saara, I know you'll read this one day.. Thank you. For understanding. For everything. For your shoulder. On which last weekend, once again, I got to cry my sorrows. This one's for you and Kalevi. And if ever YOU should need a friend please give me the honor of being the shoulder you can lean on. ~*♥*~