LadyBohemia — Cheek vain elämää RSS

~* some of that Christmas spirit *~

A man I don't even know gave me a touch of that real Christmas spirit today - this one deserves to be shared. You all know that show "Vain elämää" from Nelonen. Well, I've told you my 7-year-old son loves music... We've watched every episode together, loving it. And he really wants to see the concert also... But of course it was sold out before I even realised there would be a concert. Now the tickets available on are around 350-400 euros, for us two. As I don't have work at the moment, it's a serious investment. But he loves music so much... So, I've been saving up. I've tried betting for some tickets but the prices always rose beyond my means. Until yesterday when reasonably priced, great seats became available. I placed my bet. And sent a message to the seller, asking him if he had a final price for the tickets as I'd love to offer this to my son for Christmas. This morning, I got mail. The man had taken the tickets off the market. He offered them to me at cost price - much lower that the bet I'd already made. He said he didn't want to sell the tickets to a broker, but rather give a little boy this experience. Wow. I was so taken aback by the kindness of this stranger, that don't think I even thanked him. Did I mention that he also sent us the ticket pdfs straight away, before I'd even paid? Thank you, Dear Stranger. Because of you, our December began with thankful happiness. That genuine Christmas spirit. ~*♥*~