~* A very LadyBohemia day *~
So lovely was my yesterday that it will carry me for a longlongest time.
[caption id="attachment_9634" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] I love this collage by Minna Kulmala. And it breaks my heart to realize how much of it's feminine power is simply lost due to inadequate photo sizes accepted by Wordpress . So friends, do yourselves a favor and left-click on this one... See my point?)[/caption]
A uniquely talented artist, photographer Minna Kulmala invited me to her home, a 17th century mansion, for a full day photoshoot for LadyBohemia.
This collage is just a little sneak preview of magic to come...
But I can tell you dear friends, never have I felt more beautiful than last night, watching the flaming dusk clouds sailing on the sky, above my bed of flowers ♥.
No matter how high they flew, I could almost reach them.
And I could have stayed in that moment forever.