LadyBohemia — aphorism RSS

~* Sweet wisdoms *~

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. — Anaïs Nin I love that. That's why I am in constant awe of those brave men & women who dare to live, their way. To leave when it's right. Or stay, even when it isn't easy. To explore. To protect. To take that leap of faith. To gamble all.  Which has more to do with guts than cash. Tennessee Williams expressed - if I interpret him correctly - the same thing in different, equally eloquent words: If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.  T.W. Tennessee nailed it. Imagine a love song - an honest one. Or a song about loosing true love. They may not be autobiographical as such. But something from the life, soul, love or pain of that writer is there, and no-one else could have made it so. Huh. I get shivers. Clearly, it's time for bed. But tomorrow I shall tell you about a little town in the middle of nowhere, that was so holy that hugging, kissing, holding hands and especially indecent dressing (and it was specific; bearing a belly was fine, knees an absolute no-no) were strictly forbidden by city rules. And that's  a story that came to me whilst I was living it... ~*♥*~

~* Getting comfortable? *~

Today the wise words of Neale Donald Walsch hit me like a hammer in the head. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." So true, and so comforting. Especially today, when I (once and again) found myself million miles away from the nearest  comfort zone... Today I'm thinking of you, sending a butterfly kiss over to everyone out there, far away from comfort but feeling somehow very alive... At least, that's where I am. ~*♥*~

~* Soulfood for the day *~

I want authentic relationships, with real people, having fun discussion, genuine connection and exchange. Don't be a sheep; don't care so much what I think of you. You are beautiful and unique. Show it. Display integrity, be vulnerable, be direct, be open. It makes you much more interesting to be with. Have the courage to be true to yourself; everyone else is already taken. You are the 100%. - Viktor Egelund - ~*♥*~

Are you there yet?

I love Emerson's definition on succeeding in life, below. Many points I've got covered, but - perhaps luckily - there's still lots & lots to do, experience, achieve... So many mountains left to climb♥. Ralph Waldo Emerson: To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to give one's self; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. [caption id="attachment_5877" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo: Robert Doisneau"][/caption] ~*♥*~