LadyBohemia — aphorism RSS

~* Stumbling along *~

My kids have been sick all week which means that I haven't slept, had a rational thought or conversation, let alone set a foot outside... in a week. So I turn to my favorite wise guy Viktor Egelund to make some sense of this chaos called life. As usual, he's there for me: "The chance of anything is always 50-50. Either it happens or it doesn't. Just ignore statistics from now on." V.E. As life at the moment feels more like a stumble than a stride, I find Viktor's words oddly comforting. If Carrie could get up after falling flat on her face... So can I. And maybe. Just maybe next time the odds will be in my favor. ~*♥*~

*~ Heart Dance ~*

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. Today I have worked very hard on something that is both very important and extremely scary to me. A chance I owe myself to take. Although I still don't know where I'll find the courage to it. I wanted to share this lovely wild picture by Unjung Jun with you - today it has helped me relate with a phrase so real: No guts, no glory. ~*♥*~