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~* Spring fashion & fashionistas *~

One more sign of spring was the spring fashion show at Helsinki's best shoe (and clothing) boutique, Nina's. [caption id="attachment_12672" align="aligncenter" width="400"]IMG_7787 Peekaboo![/caption]

Hmmmmm... What's in store for us... Hidden behind the velvet curtain...

IMG_7792Well well... Gorgeous clothes; Dries van Noten, Carven, Chloé and Céline bags, Louboutin and Repetto shoes. [caption id="attachment_12715" align="aligncenter" width="500"]9004_512862758771269_1862482403_n Photo: Nina's[/caption] This flowy silk dream on the right just must be worn with flowers in one's hair, barefoot... You can just imagine the sandy beach beneath her feet. IMG_7765 I especially loved the hats. [caption id="attachment_12679" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_7850 Sanna Saastamoinen-Barrois with Niina Kurkinen[/caption] Sanna Saastamoinen-Barrois ( is in my opinion one of Finland's most talented photographers - I admire her innovative ability to look at things from a completely new angle. I especially enjoyed the work she did on the theme of circle, bringing together the roundness of balloons and the figure of her pregnant friend Pipsa Hurmerinta. Beautiful, sensual, elegant. Something totally new and fresh compared to the tired Demi Moore repetitions. You can see this work of art, Swirling Light, in the latest Image, and later on it'll be exhibited in Paris. Sanna's husband Jeremy Barrois has also directed a video on the theme... Go check it out, it's beautiful. Well, back to the fashion show... And all those funky, sexy, cools shoes... IMG_7789* IMG_7790Those Louboutins I want! IMG_7845* [caption id="attachment_12681" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_7821 Virpi Suutari & everybody enjoying the sweet treat...[/caption]

That's the sign of a REAL pro... When u don't need a huge impressive camera to capture the moment.

[caption id="attachment_12682" align="aligncenter" width="400"]IMG_7847 Sanna & Pipsa Hurmerinta[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_12695" align="aligncenter" width="397"]IMG_7815 Anna is wearing electric blue Louboutins and a striking Carven dress, all from Nina's. Purrrrrfect with her flaming hair.[/caption] The lovely Anna Puu swooned us with her soft voice and sweet guitar... She claimed she doesn't really know how to play it, and then proved herself wrong :). IMG_7834Niina with the Top Chef, tv host, model, mother to be beauty Pipsa Hurmerinta. IMG_7842I especially love this picture of Sanna, as she's watching the performance of her friend Anna Puu. In the warmth of her expression, you can almost touch the closeness and friendship between the two. Sanna has also photographed Anna's album cover and directed her video "Kolme pientä sanaa", which was just nominated for an Emma award for the best music video of the year. Uhhuh knowing all that makes me rather self conscious about publishing these little photos of mine... IMG_7869And back to fashion... This was my choice, the sweetest tiny beaded Jamin Puech bag. [caption id="attachment_12687" align="aligncenter" width="390"]IMG_7873 I was wearing a Jasmin Santanen lace shirt with velvet burgundy Jasmin Santanen trousers. Comfy, soft, beautiful all time favorites.[/caption]

Hih... Sanna with her tiny camera, Niina with her even tinyer Pikku Myy mobile..

IMG_7829 Virpi - below - has just directed a documentary slash movie called Hilton... It tells the story of young adults, outcasts, drifters, drop-outs, living in a rather gross block building in Eastern Helsinki. The Hilton. I ACTUALLY USED TO LIVE IN THAT VERY SAME BUILDING! Two awful years. When I was a young, totally broke student. I haven't seen the movie yet but I simply have to make that trip down memory lane one day... Easy it's not going to be. Just seeing the movie posters reminded me of one night, as I was coming home from work, and the police were there with an ambulance. Somebody was carried out on a stretcher, with a white sheet over his whole body. A neighbour of mine. He was dead. Not of natural causes. IMG_7863* [caption id="attachment_12689" align="aligncenter" width="500"]IMG_7887 Daniel Pallillo, Sanna Saastamoinen-Barrois, Anna Puu.[/caption] This last pictures captures the feeling of our evening rather poignantly. Intimate, fun, interesting. Beautiful fashion and the nicest, most inspiring people from all walks of life coming together. Niina truly can create an ambiance. Thank you for having me, I had a lovely evening with you ♥. ~*♥*~


  • pinkprincessan

    I can almost touch the atmosphere in your story!

  • LadyBohemia

    I was a bit hesitant of going to this event alone but actually there were many, many friends and I ended up making many new ones. Simply a lovely evening <3.

  • Tove


  • LadyBohemia

    Kiitos Tove! Halaus!

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