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~* Something important *~

My dear friends,  this weekend there is a lovely pre-labor day event at Cafe Kapusiini in Helsinki's Kumpula area. In this event funds are collected for a housing project for handicapped youth. Plenty, plenty of fun program and yummy delicacies to eat are arranged for you: 14.00 Vallattomat 4 (Puntti Valtonen, Jussi Lampi & friends) 16.00 Tapio Liinoja performs with Pedro Hietanen 17.00 Helena Lindgren sings her seiren songs AND from 12-14.00 chef Sami Hiltunen shows us the secrets of his mouth-watering soups, with the help my dear friend Samppa. [caption id="attachment_12868" align="aligncenter" width="333"]IMG_8088 Sam the Man[/caption] Please come! I promise you a warmhearted, genuine feelgood day in the best possible company. Address: Kahvila Kapusiini, Intiankatu 25, Kumpula, Helsinki Opening hours: sun 28.4. 07-19.00 IMG_8082 ~*♥*~

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