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~* Oops... I did it again *~

I've never won anything in my life. But if ever somebody arranges the Olympics on absent-mindedness, dreamaway impracticability or getting lost anywhere and  everywhere, you'd be wise to bet your money on me. This time, I got caught upon our return at the CdG Airport... My passport had expired, ages ago. I'd happily travelled with it - I don't know how many times - without anybody, least of all me, noticing. To top it all, I had a similar incident with my son not once, but twice last year... [caption id="attachment_9228" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Wool coat Red Valentino, silk shirt from Paris, silver hoop earrings found from Cannes, bag vintage Chanel.[/caption] Well, luckily this little hiccups took place in France where one can always trust the anarchistic and rebellious nature of a Frenchman. They resent all regulations, authorities and stipulated practices to the core - and never miss an opportunity to break, bend or go around the rules. So it didn't surprise me much when the check-in person just wished me a safe flight with my expired passport. I've forgotten prescription only medication at home and gone to explain my problem at a French pharmacy... And been sold the medicine needed straight away.  "Mais Madame, you know what medicine you've been prescribed! There's no need to waste time and money on doctors." Long, long ago I've accidentally gone shopping with Serge's credit card - and been told to just sign my purchases with his name. Some, more uptight cultures might consider that to be forgery... Not France. "Mais Madame! His money is your money too!" I've parked the car in very unorthodox places, and eversoslightly broken traffic rules... Without anybody, least of all the police, so much as rising an eyebrow. Gotta love those French. And gotta renew that passport before I travel someplace else... I have a feeling that all of the incidents above would have ended very differently, had they taken place for example in Germany... the US... Finland... ~*♥*~

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