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~* Mysteriet *~

My friends got us ringside seats AND an invitation to watch the last rehearsals of the finale of the Voice of Finland - thank you Merru & Sini!!! You offered me the most wonderful evening! IMG_8471 The cool dudes - melting hearts with their very energetic rendition of  "Jos mä olisin sun mies". IMG_8478 Oh I hope Ike will get a record deal... I really love his soft voice and soulful sound. And would you believe it, after the show I actually gathered my courage and went to introduce myself to him. I have an event coming up later in the autumn and I was hoping he could possibly sing a few songs there... Let's talk about it, later, he said and gave me his email address. Wow. I'm still amazed I dared to ask. Very unlike me.


There was a very tall and angrylooking security guy who was not happy if anyone sat on the stage or even touched it (even after the show). So secretly I brushed against it anyway... Rebel me. IMG_8463A winning performance. There's something about Antti Railio that the crowds really respond to. I hadn't sensed it from tv but in a live show it was so clear you could touch it. IMG_8465And some wouldn't stay on their seats.. IMG_8617Some got tangled up in each other... IMG_8542Some had their make up and microphone fixed at the same time. IMG_8590 * IMG_8532* IMG_8488The most soulful, the most touching performance of the evening was by and far Mysteriet by Emilia Ekström and Lauri Tähkä. IMG_8576Remember all the trash some papers have written about the bad blood and disputes between some of the VoF cast? Well, just looking at these pictures puts all that into perspective. Such warm support they offered each other; this is the stuff that has created the success of this show. Real people, real feelings. IMG_8579* IMG_8507This photo brings me back to my school days when Michael's picture was hidden inside my school desk... Just taking a peek at it every now and then brightened even the most miserable of days. IMG_8589Cinderella shoes... IMG_8569Last moment fix.. IMG_8595 And it's a wrap! IMG_8604 Right here, at the last bow my camera battery went blank. You'd think it was good timing but no no no.... So much fun still followed, the afterparty and all. But that must be left to imagination now :) ~*♥*~


  • gloria

    Paula is always looking very stunning and groomed! Im so amazed how she keeps up her young appearance and spirit :)

  • LadyBohemia

    Uh I agree! She’s an inspiration, really :)

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