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~* My guy *~

See who's marching to the beat of his own drum!


My 6-year-old, on his second week at school. Had put on his shoes like so when I came to fetch him home yesterday.

I thought it was a creative idea but was a bit worried if some of the other kids might say something nasty about his personal choice of a wardrobe.

Oh I don't care, he said. They're more fun that way.

Throughout all my years at school, I was always worried about what people thought of me. Timid, quiet, shy, reserved, always worried -  pretty much about absolutely everything. Did all I could and more to fit in. And still, never did.

It's taken me decades to unlearn all that. And still, l'm only learning.

Then here is my little guy.

There are no words to describe how much he has taught me during his six years in my life. And no words to describe just how proud of him I am.

Today he left for school with the same choice of shoes.

I cried a little.

Well, like a little fountain.


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